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Dr Bruce E Osborne

Tower House
15 Tower Road
United Kingdom
KT20 5QY
Telephone: 01737 213169

A Recreation and Marketing practitioner specialising in Countryside Issues, Health Resorts and Mineral Water developments, both heritage and modern.

After a Grammar School education Bruce's early career was in the food industry. With a blue-chip fmcg marketing background with major brands in the multinational commercial sector, Bruce rose to board level by middle age.

He then went on to extend his interests through a number of Universities including Birmingham and Worcester. This culminated in being appointed Visiting Research Fellow and Lecturer in Tourism, Countryside, Statistics and Computing at the Universities of Sussex and Brighton.

Developing his personal interests in health resorts, and tourism he pursued an active programme of consultancy and advisory roles in tandem with the University activities. During this period he carried out a major tourism and geography study of the Sussex Downs which ultimately led to the re-designation of the South Downs as a National Park. This in turn led to the preparation and publishing of a National Park plan for the Malvern Hills and serious discussions on a North Downs National Park. Both proposals are still active.

Bruce's activities in health tourism saw the growth of the international spa industry after the late 1990s and he founded and became Honorary Chairman of the Spas Research Fellowship. As the industry progressed he worked with and was ultimately appointed Vice President of the British International Spa Association. He reformulated the International Spa Accreditation scheme and through the Fellowship created the branding.

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Over the years Bruce has extensively authored and published several books on spas and heritage source waters; he is an occasional broadcaster; formerly Chair of the British Natural Mineral Water Association and has also been active in rural issues including the Consultative Group of the Banstead Commons Conservators. CLICK the image left for details of publications.

Bruce is currently involved with various academic and research based projects. Click to discover Malvern Waters These include the creation and development of the on-line database for the Springs and Wells of the Malvern Hills. For details click the fountain. Subsequent activities now include researching and creating the Weird and Wonderful Water Towers web site, Martello Towers website and the Great British Grotto Grading scheme (see www.Grotto.Directory).

Interests include early belief systems and ancient civilisations, dancing, springs and wells of the Malvern Hills, travel and researching interesting genealogies. He is an International Envoy for the Malverns Worldwide project, which seeks to bring together some two dozen or more Malverns worldwide with the hand of friendship.

Bruce has always operated from the UK in spite of international interests. Click to discover moreHis main point of contact is the old water tower known as Tower House, Tadworth but he also has a presence in Worcestershire where he is active in local affairs. For details of his Worcestershire retreat click on the bird.

To find out more about Tower House click 'website' below. For Malverns Worldwide click the logo below.


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Sidney J Osborne (deceased)

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Patricia Osborne (deceased)

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Corinna A Osborne-Patterson

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Zelanie S Cooper

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Elinor M S Croxall




England - Southern

(C)Copyright The Spas Research Fellowship. To contact the SRF, email: or mail to: Tower House, Tower Road, Tadworth, Surrey. KT20 5QY. UK