23rd Psalm 54/17
60 guns 59/7
8 tons 59/15
Abbey farm 60/58
Abbey, Whitby 56/45
Abbey, Whitby 56/47
Abbotsbury 60/58
Abbotsford 56/56
Abel, John, father of Dudley Smith 60/24
accident 59/35
Ackers, Mr 55/51
Ackers, Mr & Mrs & daughter 55/52
Acorn, the 58/34
admirer 54/64
Aide, Mrs 60/79
aimiable and excellent of men 60/51
Alarm, the 58/21
Alarm, the 55/49
Aldershot 60/80
Aldershot 59/10
Aldershot 55/3
Alderson, Miss 58/33
Alderson, Miss 58/34
Alfiez, Mr and Mrs 59/46
Alfred, Prince 58/24
Algiers 60/1
Alma House 56/5
Alpen Stock 60/16
Alum Bay 55/29
Alum Bay 55/43
alums 60/49
Alwyn Glen 56/57
America (frigate built in) 59/26
American ships 55/31
Amiens 54/79
ammonites 56/45
ammonites 56/48
Amphion, the 58/20
Amphion, the 55/10
Amphion, the 55/11
Amphion, the 55/13
Amphion, the 55/56
Amphion, the 55/29
Amphion, the 55/35
Amphion, the 55/43
Amphion, the 55/45
Anderson, Mr & Mrs 56/14
Anderson, Mr and Miss 59/40
Anderson, Mr his bull 59/43
Aneida, the (steamer) 59/35
Angel Inn 56/45
Angel Inn 56/47
Angerstein, Mr 54/60
Angerstein, Mrs 54/78
Angerstein, Mrs 54/69
Angerstein, Mrs F 54/67
Angleseyville 58/32
Angleseyville 58/33
Anis Hotel 55/34
ankle, Kenelm hurts his 58/32
Ann and Doswell (servants) 56/16
Anne 54/62
Anne 56/50
Anne 60/81
Anne (servant) 54/35
Anne? 55/16
Anne? 55/19
anniversary wedding 26th 59/25
anti chapel 59/34
Antwerp 58/23
Appleby 56/28
Appleby 56/68
Appleby 60/73
Appley 59/37
Appley Tower 59/28
Appley Tower 59/33
Appuldercombe 55/36
Arbury 60/75
Arbury 60/76
Arcade 58/10
Arcade, the 58/25
archaeologists 60/32
Archdeacon 60/36
archery 55/15
archery 55/48
archery 55/6
archery party 60/2
Arkwright, Mrs 60/18
Arras, Bishop of 54/43
Arreton 58/14
Arreton 59/24
Arrow, the 58/34
Arrow, the 59/27
Artillery 59/12
Artillery, the 56/68
artist 59/8
Ashton, Mr 58/11
Asleys, the 56/26
Astley 60/77
Aston 60/66
Aston 55/5
Aston 55/54
Aston (Somerville) 58/36
Aston Park 58/36
Atholl, John 55/16
Atkinson, Mr 58/24
Auberge 54/16
Aubrey 54/34
Aubrey 54/35
Aubrey 54/74
Aubrey 54/81
Aubrey & mother 54/8
Aubrey Somerville 56/68
Aubrey, Sir Thomas, his death & Mrs & Henry 56/41
Augustus, Mrs P R 54/49
Augustus, Philip 54/44
Aurora, the 55/51
Austen, Mr (tutor) 59/19
Austen, Mr (tutor) 59/22
Aylesbury, Lady 55/34
Aynho 55/63
Ayton road 56/54
Bacchante, the 55/51
backgammon 60/53
backwater 60/63
bad bargain 60/44
bad cold 56/67
bad curate 56/71
bad taste 60/50
Bagge, Miss 58/24
Bagge, Miss 58/27
Baggington 56/70
Baggington 60/79
Bagley, Mr (Kenelm's business man) 60/65
Bagot, Miss 55/63
Bagot, Mr Egerton 55/65
Baily, Mrs J. nee Russell & son 56/7
bal chernpetri 54/27
Balfour, Captain Charles 58/20
Balfour, Captasin 59/20
Balfour, Mrs 59/21
Balfours 58/29
Ball 54/18
Ball 60/51
ball 59/10
Ball, the 58/21
Ball, the 58/29
Ball, the 58/29
Ball, the 58/30
Ball, the 58/33
Ball, the 55/51
ball, the 59/29
ball, the 59/40
Ball, the 55/62
Balls (3) 58/26
Baltic 54/8
Bananiéres, the (music) 54/76
band 54/12
band 54/30
band 54/43
band 54/46
band 54/54
band 54/65
band 56/27
band 56/32
band 56/54
band, the 59/30
Bangor 55/34
Bankes, Mrs 59/3
Banks, Mrs 59/23
Barbier de Seville 54/74
Barclay Minstral (entertainment) 60/75
Barford 54/63
Barford 56/67
Barford 60/74
Barford 55/65
Barford (William & Charlotte & 3 boys) 54/87
barge 59/29
Barge, the 58/23
Barnard, Mr 58/26
barracks 54/33
Barracks 58/15
Barry, Mrs Smith 58/36
Barton, Mr 56/31
Basingstoke 58/1
Basingstoke 59/44
Basingstoke 55/63
basket shop 59/35
Bath buns 60/31
Bath chair 59/2
bath chair 59/37
bathed 60/24
bathers 54/58
bathing 54/18
bathing 54/38
bathing 54/55
bathing 54/63
bathing 54/65
bathing 54/67
bathing 56/5
bathing 60/41
Bathing machines 54/7
battleships 54/81
Baudets (donkeys) 54/69
Bavaria 55/23
Baxter, Miss 56/5
Baxter, Miss 56/54
Baxter, Miss 56/57
Baxter, Miss 56/62
Baxter, Miss 60/71
Baxter, Miss 60/73
Baxter, Miss 60/74
Baxter, Miss 55/10
Baxter, Miss 55/14
Baxter, Miss 55/26
Baxter, Miss 55/32
Baxter, Miss 55/43
Baxter, Miss 55/56
Baxter, Miss 55/64
Baxtergate 56/45
beach 60/14
Beadle, red 54/53
beard grow 60/70
Beatrice 58/31
Beatrice, the 55/22
Beatrice, the 55/54
Beatrice, the 55/55
Beauchamp Square 60/77
Beckford, Captain 55/22
Beckford, Mrs 55/7
Beckfords 58/10
Beckfords 55/23
Beckman, Dr 60/72
Beckmore, Dr 60/69
Bedale 59/14
Bedele 56/10
Bedele, Gallant General 56/20
Beech Hill 60/81
Beech hill 58/22
Beech hill 58/26
Beech hill 58/28
Beech hill 58/31
Beech Hill 59/28
Beech Hill 59/30
Beech Hill 59/39
Beech Hill 59/44
Beech hill 55/2
Beech hill 55/4
beer 60/50
Begbie, Mr 56/9
Begbie, Mr 56/18
Begbie, Mrs 56/14
Begbie, Mrs 56/19
Begby, Mr 56/4
Begland, Mrs 60/72
Begland, Mrs and sister 59/49
Beldormer Tower 59/43
Belgians, King of 54/77
Belgians, King of 54/78
Belgians, Prince of 54/78
Bell, baby 54/45
Bell, great 54/45
bells 54/42
bells 54/48
Belmore House 58/7
Belmore House 58/12
Belmore House 59/4
Belmore House 59/22
Bembridge 59/42
Bembridge 59/42
Bemingham 60/77
benedictions 54/46
Bennett, Mr 56/62
Bennett, Mr 60/80
Bentinck, Lady Harriet 60/72
Beresford, Mr and Mrs Purse 56/20
Berkeley, Mrs Granville 60/68
Berkeley, Mrs Granville 60/71
Berwick 56/54
Berwick 56/56
Berwick 56/57
Bétencour, drawing master 54/9
Beverly, actor 56/20
bigot 59/36
biils 56/64
bijouterie 54/37
bilious attack 56/23
Bill of Portland 60/53
Binstead 59/3
Binstead 59/4
Binstead 59/16
Binstead 59/16
Binstead 59/31
Binstead 59/33
Binstead 55/59
Binstead Church 59/41
Binstead Road 59/37
Birmingham 58/36
Birmingham 55/65
Birmingham Festival 58/33
Birmingham Music meeting 58/36
Birmingham Music meeting 55/64
Birmingham Music meeting 55/65
birthday (Lady Somerville's) 56/48
birthday 55th 59/33
birthday present (Lady Somerville's) 56/53
Birthday, 22nd 58/14
birthday, 56th 60/56
birthday, Fred's 20th 60/75
birthday, Hugh's 21st 60/76
Bishop 54/43
Bishop 54/46
Bishop 54/54
Bishop, golden 54/45
Bishopstoke 58/16
Bisshopp, Mrs 56/50
Bisshopp, Mrs 56/53
Bisshopp, Mrs 56/54
Bisshopp, Mrs 56/57
Bisshopp, Mrs 56/64
Blachford Lady I 58/23
Blachford, Lady Isabella 58/25
Blachfords 58/30
Black Eagle's barge 58/19
Black Sea 55/11
black Virgin 54/10
blackberries 59/20
blackberrying 59/45
Blackburn, Captain 60/5
Blackburn, Colonel 58/26
Blackburn, Colonel 58/34
Blackburn, Mr I 56/63
Blackwater 55/3
Blahelka, Mlle 54/26
Blahelka, Mlle. 54/36
Blahelka, Mlle. 54/40
Blahelka, Mlle. 54/56
Blahelka, Mlle. 54/14
Blahelka, Mlle. 54/15
Bland, Mr 54/85
Bland, Mrs 56/32
Blenheim Cottage 59/11
blind fidlers 54/37
blind mans buff 54/71
blister 60/8
blister 60/12
bloaters 56/51
Bloomer costume 54/6
Bloxham, Mr (the doctor) 59/39
Bloxham, Mr (the doctor) 59/40
bluets 54/33
boat (rowing) 60/16
boat races 59/4
boat racing 59/25
boating 60/1
boats 54/62
Bolton Abbey 60/27
Bolton's Bench 58/31
Bomers 55/56
Bonchcurch 58/14
Bonchurch 55/37
Bonchurch, Captain 60/76
Bond, Mr 58/4
Bond, Mr 58/11
Bond, Mr 58/17
Bonham, Miss 60/10
Bonham, Miss 60/75
Bonnet 54/7
Boothby 56/70
bootless 56/54
Bou+A190logne 55/54
Boucher, Mr 54/5
Boucheretts 56/32
Boulogne 54/16
Boulogne 54/3
Boulogne 54/6
Boulogne 54/6
Boulogne 54/10
Boulogne 54/29
Boulogne 54/35
Boulogne 54/42
Boulogne 54/69
Boulogne 54/87
Boulogne 59/3
Boulogne 59/48
Boulogne 55/51
Boultbee, Miss & sister 58/1
Bounemouth 60/63
Bow and Arrow Castle 60/20
Bowen, Mr 55/64
Bowles, Admiral 59/31
bowling green 56/32
Bowness 58/31
Bowness Rectory 55/35
Bowness Rectory 55/54
Bracebridge Mrs 58/36
Bracebridge, Mrs 54/87
Bracebridge, Mrs 60/75
Bracebridges, Charles 55/65
Bracebridges, the 56/69
Bracebridges, the, old 60/72
Bracknell 59/1
Bradford (person) 58/36
Brading 59/24
Brading Harbour 59/42
Bradshaw 55/60
Bramham Fete 56/19
Bramham Park 56/31
Bramley, Mr 56/71
Braquiers, Mr (house agent) 60/3
breakfast 59/42
breakwater 60/5
breakwater 60/10
breakwater 60/14
Breakwater 60/30
Breakwater 60/46
breakwater 60/53
Brest 54/81
Bridg+A307man, Captain 56/41
bridge 60/14
bridge 60/41
Bridgeman, Captain 58/31
Bridgman, Captain 56/30
Bridgman, Captain Orlando 56/18
Brigg, Filey 56/12
Brighton 60/80
Brighton 58/35
Brilliant, the 55/30
Brilliant, the 55/31
Brilliant, the 55/51
Brilliant, the 55/52
Brioches 54/69
Brockenhurst 59/21
bronzed 60/41
brooches 56/58
Brown Down Camp 59/9
Brown, Sir George 55/27
Brown, Sir George 55/65
Bruce, Colonel and Mrs 59/34
Bruce, Lady 60/75
Bruce, Mr 58/35
Brunet 54/42
Brunet, Monsieur 54/49
Brunet, Monsieur 54/56
Brunet, Monsieur 54/58
Brunet, Monsieur, french master 54/34
Brussells 55/63
Bryant, Mr 60/76
Buchanan, Miss 60/5
Bucks. 60/4
Bugnet 54/64
bull 59/43
Bullen, Mr 59/10
Buller, Mr 59/32
Buller, Mr 59/34
Bunbury 59/33
Bunbury, Mr 58/21
Bunbury, Mr 59/3
Bunbury, Mr 59/10
Bunskins in the Ballie (song) 54/76
Busse 54/74
Buxton, Sir E 55/52
Byron Lodge 58/4
C. Mrs William 54/63
cabin of Grand Duke 59/26
cadeaux 56/48
Cadiz 60/70
Calais 54/77
Calais 54/12
Calais road 54/15
Calais road 54/77
Calomel 54/39
calomel pills 60/12
calomel pills 60/27
Calor, Mr 55/49
Calshott 55/19
Cambell, Lady 60/71
Cambell, Lady 60/74
Cambridge House 58/1
Cambridge House 55/6
camp 54/11
camp 54/18
camp 54/28
camp 54/32
camp 54/35
camp 54/62
camp 54/65
camp 54/72
camp 54/78
Camp de Gauche 54/32
Camp, Honveult 54/63
Camp, Wimereux 54/8
Camp, Wimereux 54/12
Camp, Wimereux 54/67
canal des Tintelleries 54/67
candles 54/62
Cape, The 55/35
Capecure 54/6
Capecure 54/9
Capecure 54/14
Capecure 54/18
Capecure 54/32
Capecure 54/40
Capecure 54/41
Capecure 54/48
Capecure 54/49
Capecure 54/64
Capecure bridge 54/78
Capecure Pier 54/8
Capecure pier 54/14
Capecure pier 54/17
Capecure pier 54/23
Capecure pier 54/34
Capecure pier 54/38
Capecure pier 54/46
Capecure pier 54/55
Capecure pier 54/64
Capecure pier 54/65
Capecure pier 54/73
Capecure pier 54/79
Capricorn, the 55/51
captain's cabin 59/26
Carden, Mrs 60/76
Cardigan, Lady 58/4
Cardigan, Lord 55/51
Carew, Lady 55/22
Carew, Lady & daughter 55/21
Carew, Sir Walter and Lady 55/54
Carews 55/47
Carisbrooke 58/9
Carisbrooke Caste 58/23
Carisbrooke Castle 55/56
Carisbrooke Village 58/24
Carisbrooke Village 55/56
carnations 60/63
Carnegie, Lady 55/65
Carnelian Bay 56/5
Carnelian Bay 56/16
Carnelian Bay 56/41
Carnelian Bay 56/57
Caroline, Lady 58/1
Caroline, Lady 58/2
Caroline, Lady 58/5
Caroline, Lady 58/8
Caroline, Lady 58/9
Caroline, Lady 58/12
Caroline, Lady 58/14
Caroline, Lady 58/34
Caroline, Lady 59/39
Caroline, Lady 55/19
Caroline, Lady 55/24
Caroline, Lady 55/25
Caroline, Lady 55/27
Caroline, Lady 55/29
Caroline, Lady 55/31
Caroline, Lady 55/33
Caroline, Lady 55/34
Caroline, Lady 55/35
Caroline, Lady 55/48
Caroline, Lady 55/51
Caroline, Lady 55/53
Caroline, Lady 55/55
Caroline, Lady 55/56
Caroline, Lady 55/59
Caroline, Lady 55/60
Caroline, Lady 55/62
Caroline, Lady - see also Morant 55/15
Caroline, Lady & husband 55/23
Caroline, Lady & son 55/49
Caroline, Lady & two sons 55/47
Caroline, Lady (Morant) 55/17
carriage 60/36
carriage 60/44
carriage 60/47
carriage 60/62
carriage 60/65
carriage 60/75
Carter, chief officer 55/21
Carter, Mr 56/14
Carter, Mr 56/19
Carter, Mr 56/23
Carter, Mr 56/26
Carter, Mr 56/42
Carter, Mr 56/50
Carter, Mr 56/54
Carter, Mr 56/57
Carter, Mr 56/62
Carter, Mr 56/64
Cartwright, Aubrey 56/41
Cartwright, Colonel & Lady 60/75
Cartwright, General 60/81
Cartwright, Henry & Frederick & Julia 56/55
Cartwright, Lady 56/7
Cartwright, Lady 56/52
Cartwright, Lady 55/23
Cartwright, Lady 55/65
Cartwright, Lady Elizabeth & daughter 59/8
Cartwright, Lady, Tom 60/27
Cartwright, Mr & Mrs 59/9
Cartwright, Mrs William 60/78
Cartwright, Mrs William & Sir Thomas, his will 56/55
Cartwright, Mrs William dies 60/81
Cartwright, Sam & Mrs 58/32
Cartwright, Stephen 54/34
Cartwright, Stephen 54/35
Cartwright, Stephen 54/36
Cartwright, Stephen 54/38
Cartwright, Stephen 54/39
Cartwright, Stephen 54/42
Cartwright, Stephen 54/43
Cartwright, Stephen 54/46
Cartwright, Stephen 54/54
Cartwright, Stephen 54/55
Cartwright, Stephen 54/55
Cartwright, Stephen 54/56
Cartwright, Stephen 54/56
Cartwright, Stephen & wife 54/37
Cartwright, Stephen and Mrs William 60/79
Cartwright, Steven (sic) 54/38
Cartwright, Tom & mother 55/63
Cartwrights, William & Mrs (unwell) 56/68
carved oak furniture 60/20
castle 54/73
castle 60/53
Castle 58/2
Castle 58/5
castle 59/12
Castle 55/15
Castle 55/25
Castle 55/26
Castle 55/31
Castle 55/35
Castle 55/47
Castle 55/48
Castle 55/49
Castle 55/51
Castle 55/55
Castle 55/59
Castle Howard 56/3
Castle in the Air 60/32
Castle, Lulworth 60/47
Castle, Lulworth 60/49
Castle, Scarborough 56/3
Castle, Scarborough 56/5
Castle, Scarborough 56/23
Castle, Scarborough 56/25
Castle, Scarborough 56/28
Castle, Scarborough 56/42
Castle, Scarborough 56/62
Castle, Scarborough 56/63
cat 60/45
cat hunting 60/56
cat, of Lodging House 60/43
cat, shot 60/37
Catalani 54/39
Catalani 54/42
Catalani, Signor 54/15
catches and glees 59/47
catechising 60/42
Cathcart, Ladies 56/68
Cathcart, Lady G 58/30
Cathcart, Lady G & daughters 58/21
Cathcart, Lady Georgina 58/25
Cathedral 54/21
Cathedral 54/24
cathedral 54/39
cathedral 54/42
cathedral 54/48
Cathedral (new) 54/9
Cathedral Close 54/9
Cathedral of Notre Dame 54/43
Cathedral, Winchester 58/16
Catholic Chapel 56/54
Cave, Bowyer 60/80
Cavendish 60/27
Cavendish, Lord 59/3
Caves 60/1
Caves 55/5
Caves 55/65
Caves, the 60/67
Caves, the 60/68
Cecilia, Lady 60/68
cemetery 54/35
cemetery 54/65
cemetery 60/14
cemetery 60/24
Cent Guards 54/75
ceremonies 54/50
Chacon, ferryman 59/43
Challoner, Mr 56/31
Chamberlaynes 58/34
chamois hunter, Swiss 60/56
champaigne 60/44
champaigne 60/75
Chapel 54/73
Chapel of Jesus Flagillé 54/62
Chapel of Jesus Flagillé 54/73
Chapman, Miss 54/63
Chapman, Miss 55/34
Chapman, Miss 55/48
Chapman, Miss & sister 54/87
Chapman, Misses (2) 55/64
charabanc 58/9
Charles 10th 60/49
Charles 1st 58/23
Charles 1st's palace 58/15
Charles V 54/44
Charlotte (& Aubrey) 54/8
Charlottes (2) (Hunters) 55/2
charming misic 60/76
Château 54/73
Château d’ Honvault 54/72
chateaux 54/39
cheese 54/7
cheese 60/50
Cheltenham 54/83
Cherbourg 58/21
Cherbourg 58/22
Cherbourg 58/23
Cherbourg 58/24
Cheshire 60/80
Cheshire 58/11
Cheshire militia 59/12
Chesil beach 60/5
Chesil beach 60/18
Chesil beach 60/22
Chesil beach 60/36
Chesil beach 60/59
Chesil beach 60/62
Chesil beach 60/61
chess 60/40
chess+A194 60/53
Chester, Miss 60/1
Chester, Miss, to become Mrs Fitzgerald 60/4
Chickerell 60/57
Chifftnos, Sir A (his villa) 58/30
children 60/36
chill 60/62
Chippenham 60/2
chloroform 58/19
chocolate 60/31
cholera 54/26
cholera 54/29
cholera 54/41
cholera 54/49
cholera 54/57
cholera 54/60
cholera 54/63
cholera 54/81
cholera 56/4
Cholmley family monuments & manor 56/47
Choral concert 60/78
Christ Church 56/9
Christ Church 56/22
Christ Church 56/41
Christ Church 56/53
Christ Church 56/58
christening five babies 59/27
Chronicles 29, v10 58/16
Church 56/25
Church 56/28
Church 56/30
church 59/43
Churchyard 56/23
Cigar Clubs 58/24
citadel 54/75
clarinet 59/32
Clarke (boat) 55/60
Clarke, Captain 59/4
Clarke's boat 55/33
Claymore, the 58/21
Claymore, the 55/47
clergyman 60/37
clergyman 60/57
clergyman 60/65
clergymen inadequately supplied 56/62
Cliffe Cottage 55/59
Clifford, Mr (son of Sir Augustus) & Wemyss 59/20
Clifford, Sir Augustus 59/5
cliffs 60/50
Clifton 58/28
Clinton, Lord E 59/32
cloaks 60/14
Club House 58/4
Club House 55/49
Club House 55/7
Club, The 58/2
Club, The 58/5
Club, The 58/20
Club, The 58/31
Club, The 59/18
Clubhouse garden 59/4
Coast Guard 58/15
Cobham, Mr and son 59/46
Cockney affair 60/68
Codrington, Miss 59/48
cold (illness) 56/67
cold meat 60/58
cold, (illness) 56/41
cold, unwell 56/28
Coles, Mrs 60/66
College, Winchester 58/16
Colossus 60/56
Colussus. Ship 60/53
Common, large at Harrogate 56/34
Common, the 59/12
Common, the 59/13
Common, the 59/12
common, the 59/38
common, the 59/42
communion service 60/42
Compton, Mr 58/1
concert 54/36
concert 56/55
Concert 56/63
Concert 56/70
concert at the spa 56/23
concert room 56/34
Concertine 58/13
confectioners 56/38
confectioners 56/45
confectioners 58/32
confectioners 60/31
Confessional boxes 54/10
congestion of the lung 60/9
congestion of the lung 60/12
congestion of the lung 60/51
conicle hill 60/59
Conny 56/37
Conny 56/38
Constantia 56/5
Constantia 56/31
Constantia 56/32
Constantia 56/37
Constantia 56/38
Constantine, Grand Duke 59/29
consultation 60/47
consumption 54/23
convent 54/59
Convent of Maqûetra 54/16
Convent of the Visitation 54/35
convict establishment 60/46
convicts 60/20
convicts 60/37
Cooper, musician 56/55
Corfe Castle 60/40
Corfe Castle 60/42
Corfe Castle 60/43
Corfe Castle 60/44
Corfe Castle 60/45
corn 54/15
cornflowers 54/12
Cornwall 58/9
Cornwall 58/13
corsets 54/57
Coton, rector of 60/77
country house 59/42
Coupe 56/66
Court Martial 58/35
Cove, Lulworth 60/50
Cowan, Mrs 60/81
Cowes 59/18
Cowes 59/18
Cowes 59/22
Cowes 59/25
Cowes 59/35
Cowes IOW 54/52
Cowes Regatta 59/4
cracknells 59/4
cracknells 59/23
Craig, Mr 56/67
Craig, Mr 56/69
Craig, Mr 55/64
Crescent Hotel 56/14
cricket 59/20
cricket 59/47
cricket match 58/31
Crimea 58/8
Crimea 55/10
Crimea 55/15
Crimea 55/19
Crimea 55/33
Crimea 55/48
Crimea 55/49
Crimea Guns 58/1
Crimea 55/65
crippled children 54/47
Crispin, Captain 55/7
Crompton, Lady 56/20
Crompton, Lady & daughters 56/4
Crompton, Lady & daughters 56/14
Crompton, Lady & daughters 56/18
Cromwell 56/31
Cronstadt 59/26
croquet 60/67
crosier 54/45
crosier 54/54
crucifix 54/45
crucifix 54/54
Culver 60/64
Cumming, Dr. 60/9
Cunliffe 60/71
Cunliffe, Miss 60/74
Cunningham, Miss 54/2
Cunningham, Miss 54/9
Cunningham, Miss 54/21
Cunningham, Miss 54/80
Cunningham, Miss late governess 56/53
Cunynghame, Lady 59/12
Cunynghame, Sir David & Lady 59/11
Cunynghame, Sir David & son 59/9
curate 54/28
curate 56/67
Cushen, Homer 60/41
Custard, Mr 60/16
Custom House 54/14
Custon house 54/4
D and Cavendish 60/27
Daberley, Lady 55/65
Dale, Mr 56/28
Dale, Mr and Dr 56/28
Dallas 55/66
Dallas's 54/3
Dalrymple, Mrs 54/8
dances 54/69
dancing 54/14
dancing 54/19
dancing 54/20
dancing 54/31
dancing academy 54/8
dangerous navigation 60/53
Daniell Mrs 60/63
Dartmouth 60/57
Davenport (person) 58/24
Davenport, Mr 58/21
Davenport, Mrs 60/71
Davenport, the young 58/9
David, King, his motto 54/77
de Horsey Mr & Miss 55/23
de Horsey, Captain 55/24
de Horsey, Miss 55/59
de Horsey, Mr & daughter 58/4
decoy 60/59
decoy 60/61
Dees Hotel 55/64
Delke, Mr 60/77
Delplanque 54/77
Delplanque, dancing master 54/7
Delplanque, dancing master 54/8
Delplanque, Monsieur 54/21
Delplanque, Monsieur 54/36
Delplanque, Monsieur 54/39
Delplanque, Monsieur 54/42
Delplanque, Monsieur 54/72
Delplanque, Monsiuer 54/26
Denison, Sir William 60/72
Denman, Captain 58/12
Denman, Captain 58/14
Denman, Captain 59/18
Denman, Captain 55/17
Denman, Captain 55/32
Denman, Captain 55/51
Denman, Captain & Mrs 58/5
Denman, Captain & Mrs 58/9
Denman, Mrs 58/11
Denman, Mrs 58/13
Denman, Mrs 58/14
Denman, Mrs 58/16
Denman, Mrs 58/17
Denman, Mrs 59/4
Denman, Mrs 59/18
Denman, Mrs 59/23
Denman, Mrs & Captain 58/7
Denman, Mrs & Captain 58/8
Denman, Mrs & Captain & brother Ed. Russell 58/23
Denman, Mrs & little brother Virgil, Captain 58/22
Denman. Mrs & Captain 58/19
dentist 60/68
dentist 60/69
dentist 58/12
Deplanque, Monsieur 54/14
deplorable health 56/41
Derbyshire 56/3
Derbyshire 60/70
Des Voeux 54/74
Des Voeux 54/77
Des Voeux 56/68
Des Voeux 54/11
Des Voeux 54/13
Des Voeux 54/24
Des Voeux 54/26
Des Voeux 56/50
Des Voeux and sons 56/68+B178
Des Voeux, Colonel 54/67
Des Voeux, Colonel & 2 drs 54/73
Des Voeux, Miss & brother 56/70
Des Voeux, Mrs 60/68
Des Voeux, Mrs 60/69
Des Voeux, Mrs 60/72
Des Voeux, Mrs 60/75
Devereux, Walter 56/50
Devonshire (county) 55/22
Diadem, The 59/6
diamonds, native 56/34
diarrhoea 54/41
diarrhoea 60/69
Didcot 60/2
Didcot 60/65
Didcot village & church 60/65
Dieppe 54/42
Dieppe 54/59
Digby, Colonel 60/78
Digby, Colonel 60/79
Digby, Fanny 59/23
Digby, Mrs & daughter 58/27
Dimsdale, Baron & wife 59/23
diner a la Russe 59/45
dining room 60/36
Disart, Lady 58/12
Disart, Lady 58/14
disease 60/13
distemper 56/63
Divesmes, Miss 54/38
docks 59/35
Doctor 58/19
Doctor 59/12
doctor, the 60/28
Doctors 60/8
Doctors 60/27
Dodswell (servant) 56/16
dog cart 54/61
Dog cart 56/34
dog slaughter 58/35
dogs 59/38
Donald, Captain 60/53
Donald, Captain 60/57
Donald, Captain 60/62
Donald, Captain 59/3
donkey 54/71
donkey 58/31
donkey boy 54/71
donkey chairs 54/62
donkey chairs 54/69
donkey chairs 54/80
Donkey Well 55/56
donkeys 54/16
donkeys 54/71
donkeys 56/18
donkeys (Baudets) 54/69
donkies 60/10
Dorchester 60/28
Dorchester 60/31
Dorchester 60/32
Dorchester 60/33
Dorchester 60/57
Dorchester road 60/7
Dormer, Lady 60/73
Doswell 56/50
Doswell 56/54
Doswell (person) 54/62
Doswell (servant) 54/35
Dove, William 56/2
Dover 54/80
Dover Bank 58/10
Dove's wife 56/2
Downs 54/69
Downs, the 60/12
Dr Mark and his little men 59/30
Dr Mark's concert 59/31
drawing lesson 60/26
drawing lessons 54/15
drawing lessons 54/20
drawing master 60/16
drawing masters 54/9
drawing masters 54/27
drawing room 60/44
drawing room 59/41
drawings 54/26
drawings 59/28
Droschkies 55/36
drowned coachman nearly 60/5
Drummond, Mr 55/51
drums 54/62
Drury Lane 54/76
dry ditch 60/40
Dryburgh 56/56
Dublin 55/16
Ducasse (children's) 54/30
Ducasse (see Grand Ducasse also) 54/18
duck hunt 54/52
duck hunt 59/26
Duck, stolen 60/43
Duck, stolen 60/45
ducks 54/52
ducks, on (meal) 59/39
ducks, wild 60/61
Dugdales 55/65
Dunchurch 54/8
Dunchurch 59/40
Dupper, Miss, to be Mrs Marjoriebanks 60/10
eagle 54/54
Eaglehurst 55/51
Earle, Mrs 54/42
Earle, Mrs 54/56
Earle, Mrs 54/59
Earles, the 56/68
Earles, the 56/70
East Cowes Castle 59/9
East Kent militia 59/5
East Kent militia 59/12
Eastern House 58/32
Ebeneezer (sail boat) 60/14
Eden, Captain 58/15
Eden, Captain 58/20
Edgbaston 58/33
Edgbaston 58/36
Edinburgh 56/50
Edinburgh 56/56
Edinburgh 56/58
Edward 54/60
Edward 56/71
Edward and Marie 56/70
Edwards, Sir Harry 55/52
eel 59/7
Egypt hill 58/28
Egypt House 58/2
elephant 60/41
Elfin, the 58/21
Elfin, the 58/23
Elfin, the 55/13
Elfin, the 55/15
Elfin, the 55/17
Elich, Miss. her marriage 59/36
Elijah 58/36
Elizabeth Lady (Cartwright?) 60/27
Elizabeth, Princess 58/23
Ella, the 58/21
Elliot, Mrs 56/70
Ellison, Miss 59/32
Elwes 55/66
Emma, Lady Hereford 55/53
Emperor 54/6
Emperor 54/49
Emperor 54/78
Emperor 54/80
Emperor 54/83
Emperor 54/77
Emperor Napoleon III 54/75
Emperor of Russia 56/54
Emperor's birthday 54/49
Emperor's Cup 58/20
Emperor's Cup 58/22
Emperor's horses 54/64
Emsede 60/68
engagement 60/47
engagement of Humfy & Emily 60/40
engagement, indefinite 60/45
England 54/23
England 54/27
England 54/64
England 54/74
England 54/78
England 54/81
England 56/58
England 60/27
English dinner 56/14
English friends 60/64
English jockeys 54/56
Episcopal Chapel, Leamington 55/64
Episcopal church 56/69
Episcopal church 56/71
Episcopal church 60/69
Episcopal church 60/72
Episcopal Church 60/74
equinox 56/63
Equithen 54/32
Erasmus 60/37
Erasmus 60/40
Erasmus 60/42
Erasmus 60/43
Erasmus 60/44
Erasmus 60/47
Erasmus 60/53
Erasmus 60/54
Erasmus 60/64
Erembert, Madamoiselle 54/74
Errol, Lady 60/63
Errol, Lady 59/14
Erroll, Lady 56/41
Erroll, Lady 58/1
Erroll, Lady 58/2
Erroll, Lady 58/4
Erroll, Lady 58/5
Erroll, Lady 58/5
Erroll, Lady 58/6
Erroll, Lady 58/31
Erroll, Lady 59/19
Erroll, Lady 59/20
Erroll, Lady 59/22
Erroll, Lady 59/39
Erroll, Lady 55/34
Erroll, Lady 55/35
Erskine-Perry, two Miss 59/47
esplanade 54/35
esplanade 60/7
esplanade 60/10
esplanade 60/54
Esplanade 59/12
Esplanade, Ryde 55/60
Esplanaded 56/26
Etablissment 54/6
Etablissment 54/18
Etablissment 54/40
Etablissment 54/69
Eton 54/29
Eton 56/48
Eton 56/50
Eton 56/53
Eton 55/11
Eton 55/25
Eton 55/26
Eton Election Saturday 55/25
Euryalus, the 58/24
Evangelical 60/13
Evening Dew (music) 54/76
Evening Music 60/74
evening shurch 60/42
Everard Somerville 56/68
Eve's transgressions 58/28
Ewen, Mrs 54/64
Ewen, Mrs 54/83
Ewen, Mrs 56/2
Excellent, the 58/32
Excellent, the 55/14
excile 60/49
excursion 60/53
excursion 60/31
excursion boat 60/57
excursion boat 58/26
excursion train 56/47
excursion train 56/10
excursionists 60/8
excursionists 60/22
execution 56/2
Exeter 60/63
expedition 59/14
fair 54/27
fair 54/37
fair 54/38
fair 54/39
fair 54/40
fair 54/42
fair 54/57
fair 54/58
Fairfax boys 56/19
Fairfax, Mr 56/7
Fairfax, Mr 56/34
Fairfax, Mr 56/36
Fairfax, Mr 56/38
Fairfax, Mr and Mrs 56/26
Fairfax, Mr and Mrs, Fairfaxes 56/19
Fairfax, Mr his railway coach 56/30
Fairfax, Mrs 56/4
Fairfax, Mrs 56/52
Fairfax, Mrs 59/49
Fairfax, Mrs 55/34
Fairfax, Mrs and Mr & Ferdy (son) 56/16
Fairfax, Mrs and Mr. & sixth 56/5
Fairfax, old Mrs 56/37
Fairfaxes 56/9
Fairfaxes 56/18
Fairfaxes 56/20
Fairfaxes 56/23
Fairfaxes 56/25
Fairfaxes 56/38
Fairfaxes, Louly (daughter) & K 56/7
Fairfaxes, the 56/4
Fairy 58/16
Fairy 58/19
Fairy, the 58/21
Fairy, the 58/25
Fairy, the 59/10
Fairy, the 59/15
Fairy, the 59/17
Fairy, the 59/18
Fairy, the 55/13
Fairy, the 55/15
Fairy, the 55/17
Fairy, the 55/27
Fairy, the 55/49
Falsgrave 56/42
Falsgrave 56/54
famine 60/40
Farnborough 55/3
Farquharson Mrs 55/24
Farquharsons, John 55/36
Farquharsons, Mr Mrs & Frank 55/16
Farrington, Captain 55/24
Felix Smiths 59/16
Fellowes, Sir Charles 55/6
Ferdy 56/23
Ferdy 56/26
Ferdy 56/7
Ferdy, Fairfax 56/16
fernery 56/30
ferns 60/20
ferry 60/39
ferry 60/41
ferry 59/42
ferry 59/43
fete 54/35
fete 60/51
fete Champetre 56/31
fetes 58/16
fever 60/3
Fiance 54/74
fidlers 54/60
Fiennes, Mr 60/80
Filey 56/10
Filey 56/10
Filey 56/12
Filey 56/47
Filey 56/51
Filey Brigg 56/12
Filey Brigg 56/16
Filey Church 56/14
Filey, Captain and Mrs 60/74
Filori 56/70
fireworks 54/20
fireworks 54/30
fireworks 54/31
fireworks 58/24
firing 59/17
fish called St Pierre 54/58
Fish Guard 59/5
Fish House 59/9
fishermen 54/29
fishermen 54/62
fishermen's district 54/22
fisherwomen 54/20
fishing 56/42
fishing 56/57
fishing 60/1
fishing 60/30
fishing 60/57
fishing 59/7
fishing boat launched 56/64
fishing boat launched 56/23
fishing vessels 54/14
fishwomen 54/14
fishwomen 54/18
fishwomen 54/19
fishwomen 54/29
fishwomen 54/37
fishwomen 54/47
fishwomen 54/53
fishwomen 54/79
Fisk's café 59/35
fits (laughing) 59/29
fits of laughter 60/50
Fitzgerald, Mr & future wife 60/4
flageolet 56/63
flags 60/8
flags 59/15
flagstaff 60/29
Flamborough Head 56/3
Flamborough Head 56/51
flat dishes 59/46
flock of swans 60/61
Florae 56/7
Flore 60/79
Flore 60/81
flower show 59/5
flower show 55/22
Flower Show, Ryde 58/30
Flowergate 56/45
flowers 54/9
flowers 54/15
fly 54/43
fly 59/11
fly 59/18
fly 59/24
fly 59/35
fly 59/43
Fly, a 56/4
Fly, a 56/57
Fly, a 56/64
Fly, a 58/6
Fly, a 58/14
Folkestone 54/2
Folkestone 54/20
Folkestone 54/23
Folkestone 54/55
Folkestone 54/56
Folkestone 54/58
Folkestone 54/80
Folkestone 54/81
Folkestone 54/83
Folkestone 60/10
Folkestone packet 54/63
Forbes 55/5
Forbes, Mary Jane 54/22
Forbes, Mary Jane & 3 daughters 54/23
Forbes, Mary Jane + 3 girls 55/2
Forbes, Mrs 56/4
Forbes, Mrs (Mary Granville) 60/12
Forbes, Mrs (Mary Granville) 58/26
Forbes, the bride Mrs 58/31
Ford, Miss 60/80
Ford's Hotel 56/10
Forrester, Colonel 58/27
Fort, the 59/12
forts 54/72
fossils 56/38
Fountain, the 58/33
Fox, Mr George 56/31
francs 54/19
francs 54/21
francs 54/42
francs 54/48
francs 54/59
francs 54/71
francs 54/8
francs 54/78
Fraser, Sir William 55/52
Fred and Henry 59/23
Fred and Minnie 58/34
Frederick 59/22
Fred's friends 59/33
Freeman, Miss, singer 56/63
Freemasons 60/29
French Chateau 58/2
french cook 54/64
french cook 54/67
French lesson 60/10
french master 54/34
french officers 54/13
Freshwater 58/26
fried eggs and ham 60/58
frigate 59/8
frigate 59/29
fruit 54/9
fruit 54/14
full moon 60/40
full of tricks 56/64
Fullertons 60/51
funeral procession 54/7
Furlong, Mr 54/5
Furlong, Mr 54/6
Furlong, Mr 54/17
Furlong, Mr 54/37
Furlong, Mr 54/43
Furlong, Mr 54/67
Furlong, Mr 54/77
Furlong, Mr 54/78
Furlong, Mr, his Church 54/59
furnaces 59/20
G, Mrs and Frank 60/68
Galton, Major 60/36
Galton, Major 60/37
Galton, Major 60/47
Galton, Major 60/53
gardden 60/77
garden 60/66
garden 60/74
garden 59/44
garden 59/45
gardens, the 59/39
Garnet, Miss 59/40
Gascogne 54/44
Gassiers, performers 56/71
Gateway 60/59
General Admiral (ship) 59/27
General Admiral (ship) 59/29
General, The 59/12
General, The 59/13
Geneste, Mr 58/4
Geneste, Mr 55/10
Geneste, Mr 55/25
Geneste, Mrs 55/11
Geneste, Mrs 55/17
Geneste, Mrs 55/7
Genestes 55/49
Genestes 55/59
Geneva 60/35
Geneva 60/41
George Hotel 54/85
George Inn, Winchester 58/15
George Inn, Winchester 58/16
German 59/30
German Ocean 56/51
German prayers 60/7
Germany 56/7
Gibraltar 60/78
gig 54/85
Giovanini 54/2
Giovanini 54/3
Gisbourne, Mr Guy 55/64
glees and catches 59/47
Gloriana, the 55/47
Gloriana, the 55/49
God Save the Queen 54/12
Goddaughter 58/15
goddaughter of Lady Somerville 59/19
godfather 54/45
godmother 54/45
Godshill 58/14
Godshill 55/36
Goff, Lady Adela and Mr 54/76
Goff, Lady Adelaide (Knox) 54/53
Goff, Mr 54/53
Goff, Mr & sister 54/63
Goffs 54/78
Golding, Lady Jane 56/26
Gondola, the 55/56
Gondola, the 55/51
Gooch baby 60/69
Gooch, Captain 58/17
Gooch, Captain 58/21
Gooch, Captain 58/22
Gooch, Captain 59/10
Gooch, Captain 59/11
Gooch, Captain 59/13
Gooch, Captain 59/14
Gooch, Captain 59/15
Gooch, Captain 59/17
Gooch, Captain 55/49
Gooch, Mr 60/71
Gooch, Mr 55/64
Gooch, Mr 55/65
Gooch, Mr & son 54/36
Gooch, Mr & wife 54/64
Gooch, Mrs, and children 60/79
Gooches & dwindling baby 56/70
Goodrest 59/45
Goodrest 55/5
Goodun, Mr 60/37
Gosport 58/32
Gosport 55/15
Gothic ruin 56/47
Gothic Schools 60/58
Gothic Well 55/41
Gottseclack (composer) 54/76
Goulburn, Dr 54/34
Goulburn, Dr 54/35
Goulburn, Sergeant 54/38
Goulburns 54/37
Govenor of Madras 60/72
governess 56/53
governess 59/38
Government ministers 55/17
Governors Green 59/10
Gower, Mr Leverson 55/5
Granby, Lord 55/19
Grand Ball 54/49
Grand Ducasse (see Ducasse also) 54/19
Grand Duke 59/8
Grand Duke 59/26
Grande rue 54/5
Grande rue 54/49
Grande rue 54/51
Grande rue 54/52
Grande rue 54/53
Grande rue 54/54
Grande rue 54/67
Grande rue 54/71
Grandesden Villa 58/25
Grant, Major 58/34
Granville Mrs 55/6
Granville, Bevil 58/21
Granville, Fanny 55/49
Granville, Fanny 55/51
Granville, Fred 55/33
Granville, Fred 55/55
Granville, Harriet 60/75
Granville, Major 55/4
Granville, Mary 58/5
Granville, Mary 58/9
Granville, Mary becomes Mrs Forbes 58/26
Granville, Miss 56/50
Granville, Miss 55/23
Granville, Miss 55/32
Granville, Miss & Fred 55/6
Granvilles 55/5
Granvilles, the George 60/80
grapes 54/54
Grapes 58/7
grapes 58/20
gratings 59/34
Gravesend 58/23
Gray, Mr. a clergyman 56/3
greased pole 54/51
Great Easter (ship) 59/36
Great Eastern (ship) 59/33
Great Eastern (ship) 59/35
Great Western railway 54/85
Greaves, Mr & Mrs 60/57
Greaves, Mr (rector) 60/7
Greaves, Mr (rector) 60/13
Greek dress 59/7
Green, The 58/4
Green, the 58/11
Green, the 58/12
Green, the 58/17
Green, the 58/22
Green, the 58/24
Green, the 58/28
Green, the 58/30
greengrocers 54/83
Griffith, General 54/72
Griffith, General 54/74
Grimstone 56/37
Grisi, performer 56/70
Grisi, performer 56/71
grouse 56/28
grouse 60/26
grouse 60/27
grouse 60/53
grousing 56/30
Grove Park 60/73
Grove, Mr (his church) 54/17
Guernet Bay 55/32
Guernet Bay 55/33
Guernsey 60/63
Guernsey steamer 60/26
Guide 60/43
Guide Gens d' Armes 54/75
guides 54/79
Guilleume Tell 54/43
gun and license 58/36
guns 59/15
guns 59/17
guns 59/26
Gunter, Captain 56/37
Gurnard Bay 55/30
Gurnetts bay 55/10
Gurnetts Bay 55/51
Guy's Cliffe 56/67
Guy's Cliffe 56/70
Guy's Cliffe 60/73
Guy's Cliffe 60/81
gymnastics 54/24
H.S. 60/56
H.S. 55/48
H.S. (Humfry) 60/70
Hackness 56/27
Hackness 56/30
Haddock 54/58
Haidee, the 58/33
Hale, Colonel 56/16
half seas over 54/4
Halfields. The 60/64
Hall, Mr 55/32
Hall, the 59/47
Hall, the at Leamington 60/69
Halton 60/68
Hamborough, Mrs & children 55/39
Hammond, 2 daughters 55/45
Hammond, Captain 55/45
Hammond, Lady 55/45
Hammond, Sir G 58/22
Hammond, Sir Graham 55/45
Hampton, Mrs (Osborne's sister) 54/76
Hanbury (person) 58/24
Hannibal, the 54/74
Hannibal, the 54/8
Hannibal, the 54/81
harbour 60/14
Harbour of Refuge, Dover 54/81
Harbour, Whitby 56/45
Harding, Colonel 54/83
Hardy, Mrs 59/28
hare shot 60/73
Harewood, Lord 56/32
Harewood, Lord, his place 56/34
Harewoods 56/32
Harford, Edith 55/56
Harford, Mr 55/54
Harfords & son 55/3
Harfords, Edith etc. 55/55
harmonium 56/3
Harries, Mrs 55/15
Harriet (Forbes?) 54/23
Harriet Lodge 58/21
Harriet's cottage 55/5
Harrington, Sir John and Lady 59/46
Harrington, Sir John and Lady 59/47
Harriss, Mr his nephew 59/3
Harrogate 56/25
Harrogate 56/32
Harrogate 56/34
Hartopp Miss (Lady Walter Scott) 58/31
harvest 54/72
harvest 56/22
harvest 56/23
Harvey, Colonel 55/24
Hatchford 56/28
Hatchford 55/15
Hatfield, Miss 58/36
hats blowing off 60/12
hats blowing off 60/22
Hatton, Lady Louisa Finch 56/70
Haute Ville 54/5
Haute Ville 54/9
Haute Ville 54/49
Haute Ville 54/67
Haute Ville 54/75
Havre 60/41
Hawse, Mr 55/11
Head, Henry 60/57
Head, Henry 60/64
Head, Henry 60/80
Head, Henry 58/14
Head, Henry 58/15
Head, Henry 58/16
Head, Henry 58/34
Head, Henry 59/2
Head, Henry 59/5
Head, Henry 59/23
Head, Henry 59/40
Head, Henry 55/56
Head, Lady 54/7
Head. Henry 59/8
headache 56/26
headache 56/62
heart aches 60/47
Heaton Park 55/59
Heckfield Heath 55/3
Heneages 58/28
Hennage, Miss 58/27
Henry 59/3
Henry 59/4
Henry 59/4
Henry 59/7
Henry 59/9
Henry 59/9
Henry 59/10
Henry 59/15
Henry 59/17
Henry 59/25
Henry 59/26
Henry 59/27
Henry 59/30
Henry 59/33
Henry 59/37
Henry 59/39
Henry 59/41
Henry 59/43
Henry 59/44
Henry 59/47
Henry 59/48
Henry & Fred 59/23
Henry (Head?) 60/62
Henry (Head?) 60/63
Henry and Henry 59/8
Henry Head 59/40
Henry VIII 54/73
Her Majesty 59/17
Her Majesty 59/15
Herbert, Mrs Sidney 59/21
Hereford, Lady 56/64
Hereford, Lady 56/68
Hereford, Lady 56/69
Hereford, Lady 56/70
Hereford, Lady 58/32
Hereford, Lady 58/34
Hereford, Lady to marry Mr Blackburn 56/63
Hereford, Lord & Emma & 5 children 55/53
Hereford.Lady 56/50
Heron, Miss 56/16
Heron, Miss 56/27
Heron, Miss 56/28
Heron, Miss 56/44
Heron, Miss 56/68
Heron, Miss 60/64
herring shoal 56/63
herrings 56/52
herrings 56/64
herrings, salting and drying 56/51
Herteh, burning of 55/22
Hewetts, two Miss 59/43
Hewitt, Mr 58/8
Hibbert, Miss 60/73
High Harrogate 56/34
high mass 54/49
High Steet 59/13
Higham on the Hill 60/76
Highland trip 56/42
Highlands 56/26
Hill Grove 59/42
Hill, Colonel 54/72
Hill, Mr 60/73
Hill, Mr 55/52
Hill, the 59/17
Himalaya, the steamer 55/19
Himalaya, the steamer 55/21
Hoare, Mr 58/17
Hoare, Mr 55/51
Hoare, Mr 55/52
hobby 60/49
Hodgeson, Mr 56/32
Hodgson, Captain 56/34
Hodgson, Captain 56/38
hoe sweet home 60/53
Holbecks, the Charles, and children 59/41
Holland, Mr 55/66
Holland, Mrs 55/64
Holmes A'Court 58/30
Holmes, A'Court Mrs 55/24
Holy Oil 54/45
Holy Virgin 54/44
Holy Water 54/45
Holyrood 59/18
hop country 54/83
Horderns, Mr (dentist) 60/68
horse 60/53
Horsemanship, Homer Cushen's 60/41
Horsemanship, the 56/30
horses 54/8
horses 54/24
horses 54/3
horses 54/31
horses 54/60
horses 60/77
horses, changing 60/43
horses, Emperor's 54/64
horses, Prince Albert's 54/75
Host, the 54/54
Hotel de Brighton 54/6
Hotel de Brighton 54/41
Hotel de Bruxelles 54/64
Hotel des Bains 54/22
Hotel du Nord 54/29
Hotel du Nord 54/42
Hotel du Nord 54/69
house agent 60/3
Hovender, Mr 56/37
Hudson 58/33
Hudson, Dr 58/9
Hudson, Mr (old) 58/33
Huget, Monsieur 54/13
Hugets, Monsieur 54/57
Hugh? 55/59
Hughan, Miss 55/60
Hughan, Mr 55/56
Hughan, Mr & daughter 55/49
Hughes 58/23
Hughes, Miss - to marry, of Kenmuir 56/50
Hull 56/3
Hull 60/35
Hull, Mr 56/44
Humberstone 56/22
Humberstone 56/50
Humberstone 60/4
Humberstone 60/46
Humberstone 60/54
Humberstone 60/71
Humberstone 55/54
humbugged 56/70
Humfry 56/70
Humfry 60/4
Humfry 60/7
Humfry 60/8
Humfry 60/10
Humfry 60/13
Humfry 60/14
Humfry 60/16
Humfry 60/18
Humfry 60/22
Humfry 60/26
Humfry 60/27
Humfry 60/28
Humfry 60/30
Humfry 60/33
Humfry 60/37
Humfry 60/39
Humfry 60/42
Humfry 60/45
Humfry 60/50
Humfry 60/51
Humfry 60/51
Humfry 60/62
Humfry 60/66
Humfry 60/78
Humfry 60/9
Humfry 60/30
Humfry 55/33
Humfry at sisters 60/69
Hunter, Charlotte 56/42
Hunter, Charlotte 56/63
Hunter, Charlotte 58/4
Hunter, Charlotte 58/6
Hunter, Charlotte & Henry 55/3
Hunter, Charlotte & mother 58/8
Hunter, Charlotte, Mrs 59/44
Hunter, Henry 55/2
Hunter, Henry 55/53
Hunter, Henry & Henry 59/1
Hunter, Mr 59/45
Hunter, Mrs 55/15
Hunter, Mrs 55/35
Hunter, Mrs & Charlotte 59/45
Hunter, Mrs and Charlotte 59/48
Hunter, Sir Paul & Lady 55/2
Hunter, Sir Paul & Lady 55/5
Hunters 58/35
Hunters 59/48
Hunters, Charlotte & Charlotte and Harry 55/63
Hurst Castle 59/18
Hurst Castle 55/45
Hutton, Mr 56/52
Huttons, the 56/68
Hyde 60/56
illumination 54/20
illuminations 54/54
Illustrious, the 55/14
I'm not myself at all (song) 54/76
Imperial Guards 54/79
Infirmary 59/31
Infirmary 55/62
Infirmary ball 59/14
inflamation 59/40
Inn 60/31
Inn 60/50
Inn 60/62
inodorerous 54/42
invalid 60/8
invalid 60/9
invalided 60/42
Ireland 55/17
Ireland 55/59
Irish 54/28
Iron bridge 58/32
Isabel 58/12
Isabel 58/14
Isabel 58/17
Isabel 58/19
Isabel 58/20
Isabel 58/21
Isabel 58/22
Isabel 58/26
Isabel 58/27
Isabel 58/28
Isabel 58/32
Isabel (Wemyss see 58/2 & 58/5) 58/8
Isabella, Lady 58/8
Isabella, Lady 58/9
Isabella, Lady 58/12
Isabella, Lady 58/14
Isabella, Lady 58/16
Isabella, Lady 58/17
Isabella, Lady 58/19
Isabella, Lady 58/20
Isabella, Lady 58/21
Isabella, Lady 58/22
Isabella, Lady 58/22
Isabella, Lady 58/26
Isabella, Lady 58/27
Isabella, Lady 58/28
Isabella, Lady & daughter 58/11
Isabella, Lady & daughter 58/29
Isabella, Lady & Isabel 58/24
Isabella, Lady (Wemyss see 58/2 & 58/5) 58/5
Island 58/7
Island 58/8
Island 58/14
Isle of Wight 60/16
Isle of Wight 60/49
Israelites 54/79
Israelites 54/50
Italian 60/9
Italian lesson 60/10
Italian lesson 60/26
Italian lesson 60/45
Italian lessons 60/24
J. Miss 56/30
Jacob, Captain 60/37
James, Mr 59/41
James's Powder 54/39
jasmine 54/26
Jeannette 54/74
Jeffries, Colonel 58/23
Jeffries, Colonel and Mrs 58/34
Jeger, Mr 54/61
Jem (the dog) 58/35
Jennings, Henry the 60/79
Jephson Dr - lemon juice 54/3
Jephson Gardens 60/66
Jephson Gardens 60/68
Jephson, Dr 60/73
Jephson, Dr and Mrs 60/72
Jerjiers (ices) 54/7
Jersey 60/63
Jersey 58/6
Jersey 55/64
Jersey, Lord & Lady 55/34
Jerseys 55/59
Jessamine lodge 55/17
Jet Shop 56/16
jet shops 56/18
jet shops 56/19
Jim 56/22
Jim 56/27
Jim 56/63
Jim 56/64
Jim, Emily's pet 56/2
Job 54/51
Job 56/67
Johnson's buildings 60/4
Johnstone, Lady & Mrs nee Mills 56/30
Johnstone, Mr 56/37
Johnstone, Mrs 56/26
Jones 56/68
Jones from Rugby 56/68
Jones, Mr 59/32
Jones, Mr 59/49
Jones, Mr (doctor) 60/79
Jones, Mr (doctor) 59/1
Jones, Mr (doctor?) 60/67
Jones, Mr. Actor 56/56
Jones, Mr. Actor 56/67
Joscelyn, Lord 54/49
journal, Hugh's 60/44
journeyman tailor 60/67
Joy, Mr (secretary) 60/28
Joyce, Messrs, clergyman & Etonian 55/5
Judy 54/63
Judy 56/18
June, the (steamer) 59/36
Jusegon, Lord 58/28
juvenile party 59/24
K.B. 59/34
Kaye, Miss 54/27
Kaye, Miss 56/18
Kaye, Miss 56/28
Kaye, Miss 56/50
Kaye, Miss 56/70
Kaye, Miss 56/71
Kaye, Miss 60/10
Kaye, Miss 60/73
Kaye, Miss 60/80
Kaye, Miss 60/81
Kaye, Miss 58/1
Kaye, Miss 58/9
Kaye, Miss 58/28
Kaye, Miss 58/11
Kaye, Miss 58/31
Kaye, Miss 58/33
Kaye, Miss 58/36
Kaye, Miss 59/9
Kaye, Miss 59/16
Kaye, Miss 59/16
Kaye, Miss 59/36
Kaye, Miss 59/49
Kaye, Miss 55/15
Kaye, Miss 55/17
Kaye, Miss 55/34
Kaye, Miss & Julia 59/28
Kaye. Miss 60/57
Keats 58/16
Keepers house 60/59
Kelso 56/58
Kelt, Major 59/40
Kenedy, Mrs 60/68
Kenedy, Mrs 58/36
Kenilworth 60/73
Kenilworth 60/67
Kenmuir 56/50
Ker, Mr 59/34
Kerr, Miss 58/14
King Stephen 55/56
King, Mr E Bullen 60/7
King, the 54/79
King, the (swans) 60/61
Kiss me quick handkerchief 56/53
kitchen 54/33
kitchen garden 56/30
kitchens 54/12
Knaresborough 56/34
Knipe, Mr 60/78
Knox, Admiral 54/52
Knox, Admiral 54/76
Knox, Admiral, wife and daughter 54/53
Knox, Captain and Mrs 54/56
Knox, Lady Adelaide (Goff) 54/53
Knox, Mrs 54/67
Knox, Mrs and Adelaide 54/59
Knoxs 54/78
Kyber Pass 56/45
L'Enelos de L' Eveche 54/40
L'Enelos de L' Eveche 54/59
'’Enelos de L' Eveche 54/9
Lacase, Madamoiselle 59/32
Lake Price, Mr 59/8
Lake scenery 56/30
Lamertine 54/37
Lancashire 60/57
Lancaster Gun 58/8
Lancers, the (dance) 60/76
landing board 60/50
Landor, Mr 54/87
Last Minstrel 56/58
Lastin, drawing master 54/9
Laston 54/77
Laston, Madame 54/15
Laston, Monsieur & wife 54/20
Laston. Monsieur 54/49
Lastons 54/26
latin 54/46
laudenum poultice 59/40
Launceston 56/52
Lavrock, the 55/51
Law, Mrs & daughter 54/24
Law, Mrs & daughter 54/25
Lawrence, Sir Thomas 59/40
Leamington 54/2
Leamington 54/59
Leamington 56/7
Leamington 60/26
Leamington 60/62
Leamington 60/65
Leamington 58/6
Leamington 58/26
Leamington 58/35
Leamington 59/32
Leamington 59/49
Leamington 55/15
Leamington 55/27
Leamington 55/63
Leamington 55/64
Leap Frog 55/52
leather bag (lost) 56/66
Leeds 56/3
Leeds 56/10
Leeds 56/37
Legion d'Honneur 54/54
Legrands 58/30
Leicestershire 60/77
Leigh, Miss 60/81
Leinengen, Prince 58/7
Leinengen, Prince 58/8
Leiningen, Prince 58/19
Les Petits Arbres 54/69
Les Poces de Jeannette 54/74
Leslie, Scotch gardener 58/7
letters 59/36
letters 59/49
Liane 54/39
Liane 54/51
Liane 54/73
Liane (river) 54/41
Lichfield 60/78
Lichfield, Mr 56/62
Lichfield, Mr and Mrs 56/51
Lichfield, Mr and Mrs 56/64
Lichfields, the 56/63
Lifford, Lady 59/42
Lifford, Lady & daughters 58/10
Light houses 60/53
light mantle 58/7
lighthouse 54/34
lighthouse 54/47
likenesses (photos) 54/57
Lillington 60/67
Lillington 60/72
Limerick militia 59/4
Limerick militia 59/12
Lindesay, Miss 54/55
Lion 56/10
Lion 60/31
Lions 56/34
Lions 58/11
Lisbon 60/70
Lisbon 60/71
Lisbon 60/78
Little Toddlekins - play 56/23
Liverpool 56/52
Liverpool 59/1
Lizzie 60/10
Lizzie 60/14
Lizzie 60/28
Lizzie 60/29
Lizzie 60/30
Lizzie Skipwith 60/66
Lizzy 60/16
Lizzy 60/51
Lizzy 60/53
Llanberris 56/53
Llandudno 56/53
Llandudno 60/10
lobsters 60/29
Loch Head 56/28
Lodge 55/15
Lodge, The 59/4
Lodge, the 55/6
Lodges 55/13
Londesborough, Lord, his dying daughter 56/37
London 54/18
London 54/49
London 56/50
London 60/9
London 60/24
London 60/63
London 60/66
London 60/80
London 58/23
London 58/25
London 58/36
London 59/11
London 59/17
London 59/36
London 59/48
London 55/17
London 55/24
London 55/53
London lady 59/46
London steamer 54/57
London steamer 54/60
London train 54/2
London, the packet 54/13
Long Itchington 60/72
Lord Warden Hotel 54/80
Lothian, Lord 58/36
Louly 56/38
Louly (Fairfax daughter) 56/26
Love of God 60/13
Love Simulations 56/25
Low Harrogate 56/34
Lucerne 60/16
Lugham, Miss (Mrs Morris) 58/31
Lulworth 60/31
Lulworth 60/43
Lulworth 60/47
Lulworth Castle 60/49
Lulworth road 60/4
Lulworth road 60/18
Lulworth, the 58/20
lungs 60/68
Lushington, Frederick and wife 55/13
Lushington, Mr Frederick & Minny 55/55
Lushingtons 58/5
Lushingtons 58/6
Lushingtons 58/21
Lushingtons 58/22
Lushingtons 58/31
Lushingtons 55/53
Lutterworth 60/71
Lyley, Mr and Mrs 56/51
Lymington 58/22
Lymington 58/29
Lymington 58/32
Lymington 59/10
Lymington 59/18
Lymington 59/20
Lymington (clergyman) 59/4
Lymington Creek 59/14
Lyndhurst 60/63
Lyndhurst 58/1
Lyndhurst 58/6
Lyndhurst 58/31
Lyndhurst 55/13
Lyndhurst 55/55
Lynmouth 60/24
Lynmouth 60/57
Lyon, Mrs 59/4
Lyon, Mrs 59/22
Lyon, Mrs and Mary 59/25
Lyons, Colonel and Mrs 60/74
Lysley, Mrs and Miss 56/56
Lysleys, the 56/54
Macmahon, Colonel & Mrs 59/11
Macmex, Dr & Mrs 60/77
Madeira 56/4
Madeira Rock 55/29
Maiden Castle 60/32
Maids 58/24
maids, the (with gowns) 55/60
Malcolms 58/22
Malta 60/1
Malta 60/3
Malta 59/49
Malta 55/16
Malvern 60/12
Malvern 58/26
man overboard 58/21
Manchester 59/30
Manning, Mrs 56/41
Manning, Mrs 56/56
Manning, Mrs 60/24
Manning, Mrs 60/57
Manning, Mrs 60/63
Manning, Mrs 60/69
Manning, Mrs 60/78
Manning, Mrs 60/81
Manning, Mrs 58/9
Manning, Mrs 58/35
Manning, Mrs 59/6
Manning, Mrs 59/49
Manning, Mrs 55/15
Manning, Mrs 55/33
Manning, Mrs 55/54
Mannings 55/34
Mannings 55/5
Mansell, Captain 58/33
Mansell, Mr 58/29
Mansels 58/34
Manser, Major and Mrs 58/34
manufacturing towns 56/66
Maquêtra 54/35
Marco, performer 56/70
Maria (belonging to Capt. Gooch) 58/17
Maria, the 58/9
Marie and Edward 56/70
Marine Parade Cres. Dover 54/81
Marine, Hotel 58/7
Marine, The 58/6
Marines band 58/30
Marjoriebanks, Mr & future wife 60/10
market 54/7
market 54/15
market 54/67
market 54/9
marketing 54/34
Markham, Mrs 55/65
Marleborough, Duke of (the ship) 55/27
Marochette, sculptor 58/23
Marquis of Carebas 56/14
Martha and Mary (in St Luke) 54/46
Martin, dentist 58/12
Martin, Sir William 55/22
Mary Jane 55/5
Masonic Ball 59/31
Mass 54/73
mass 59/7
Master of College 54/10
masters 4 54/57
Mat. Willes 60/73
Matinee Musicale 58/12
Maturen, Mr & Mrs (clergyman) 59/4
Maude, Miss, Ly Liffords sister, dying 59/42
Mauvaises Odeurs 54/6
Maxwell, Captain 54/10
Maxwell, Captain and Mrs 54/9
Maxwell, Captain and Mrs 54/59
Maxwell, Mrs 59/3
Maxwell, Mrs 59/16
Maxwell, Mrs and Daughters 59/33
Maxwell, Sir 56/38
Maxwells 54/40
Maxwells 54/67
Maxwells 54/75
Maxwells 59/42
Maxwells, the Miss 59/27
Maye, Mr 54/81
McKenzie, Captain 58/32
McKenzie, Captain & sister 58/33
McKenzie, Donald 56/69
McKenzie, Lady 55/64
Meade, Mr 59/1
meat 54/7
medicine too strong 60/24
Medina 55/31
Medina, the 58/16
Medina, the 58/17
Medoc wine 54/61
Mellor, Mr 55/24
Melmerby 55/10
Melrose 56/19
Melrose 56/50
Melrose 56/54
Melrose 56/55
Melrose 56/56
Melrose 56/58
Melville, Lady E (Cartwright) 58/32
men racing 54/51
mercury 60/13
meringues 54/69
Merriden's library 54/5
Meynall Ingrams 56/32
Michell, Mr & son 58/13
Middleton 56/68
Mildmay, Mr 58/24
Mildmay, Mr 58/27
Militia, the 59/13
Mills 55/34
Mills 55/49
Mills, Cecil 55/36
Mills, John 55/52
Mills, John 55/53
Mills, John & son 55/35
Mills, Johnny 55/63
Mills, Mrs 55/36
Mills, Mrs & Johnny 55/53
Mills, Mrs & son 55/54
Mills, now Mrs Johnstone 56/30
Milner, Miss, singer 56/55
Minnie 59/14
Minnie & boys 59/21
Minnie & Fred 58/34
Minnie's 40th birthday 59/22
Minny (2nd wife of Ly Erroll's son Somerville?) 59/19
Minny's children Constance, Beatrice, Somerville 59/19
Minster, York 56/38
misic 60/77
Mitford, Admiral, his daughter 56/14
moats 60/33
Monastery 60/58
Monson, Miss 56/10
Monson, Miss 56/19
Monson, Miss 56/20
Montpellier Spa, Harrogate 56/34
moonlight 60/51
Moore Mr (his farm) 55/47
Moore, Mr (farm) 55/34
Moore, Mr (his farm) 55/24
Morant, Hay 55/33
Morant, Lady Caroline 59/4
Morant, Lady Caroline 59/4
Morant, Lady Caroline 59/5
Morant, Lady Caroline 59/13
Morant, Lady Caroline 59/13
Morant, Lady Caroline 55/14
Morant, Lady Caroline 55/21
Morant, Lady Caroline 55/32
Morant, Lady Caroline - see also Caroline 55/13
Morant, Lady Caroline & son 59/21
Morant, Lady Henrietta 59/21
Morant, Mr 58/31
Morant, Mr 55/24
Morant, Mr 55/31
Morant, Mr & Mrs Willie 58/10
Morant, Mrs W 58/34
Morant, Mrs William 59/5
Morant, Mrs Willie 58/8
Morant, Willy 55/33
Morant, Willy 55/35
Morant, Willy 55/48
Morants 58/9
Morants 58/12
Morants 58/30
Morants, William 58/25
Morants, William 58/29
Moren, Dr 54/28
Moreville 58/36
Moreville 55/65
Morewood, Mr 60/42
Morewood, Mr 60/74
Morewood, Mr Palmer 56/44
Morewood, Mr Palmer jnr. 56/66
Morewood, Mr, Mrs and child 60/26
Morewood, Mrs 60/51
Morewood, Mrs 60/69
Morewood, Mrs 60/75
Morewood, Mrs 60/46
Morewood, Mrs & Mr 60/40
Morewood, Mrs & Mr 60/41
Morewood, Mrs & Mr 60/45
Morewood, Mrs Palmer & daughter 56/54
Morewoods 56/52
Morewoods 60/5
Morewoods 60/27
Morewoods 60/30
Morewoods 60/40
Morewoods 60/43
Morewoods 60/47
Morewoods 60/53
Morewoods 60/71
Morewoods & Mrs 60/37
Morewoods, 2 60/44
Morewoods, the 60/73
Morewoods, the, Mr 60/63
Morewoods, their little boy, Mrs 60/31
morphine 59/40
Morris, Mr and Mrs 58/31
Mortimer 58/35
Mortimer 59/44
Mortimer 55/2
Mortimer 55/5
Mortimer 55/63
Mortimer station 59/1
Mortimer station 59/45
Moseley, Mrs 60/70
Moses 54/51
Mottingham 60/58
Mount Edgecombe 55/39
Mount of Olives 55/66
Mount Oliver 56/7
Mount West, Ryde 55/22
mountain torrent 60/35
Mountjoy Martin, Colonel 59/11
moutains 60/16
Mozart's Masses 60/30
Mozart's Masses 60/46
Mr Grey 56/20
mud huts 54/12
mud huts 54/33
mud huts 54/36
mud huts 54/72
Muddiford 55/55
mullet, grey 54/38
museum 54/40
museum, at Whitby 56/48
museum, at York 56/38
Museum, Scarborough 56/18
Musgrave, Christopher 60/41
Musgrave, Christopher 60/62
Musgrave, Kit 60/42
Musgrave, Mr 59/23
Musgrave, Mr & Christopher 60/3
Musgrave, Mr & Christopher 60/14
Musgraves 60/8
Musgraves 60/54
Musgraves 60/56
Musgraves 55/64
Musgraves, Christopher 60/4
Musgraves, Christopher 60/7
Musgraves, the 60/64
Musgraves, the 60/1
mushrooming 59/47
music 54/21
music 60/77
music 59/46
music and pips 59/48
Music Hall 55/65
music lesson 54/22
music lesson 54/26
music lessons 54/14
music lessons 54/15
music, mufti and dancing 60/76
muskets 54/33
mustard (treatment) 56/27
mustard plaster 59/38
mutton 60/58
mutton chops 60/50
Nab, the 58/22
Napoleon's column 54/16
Napoleon's column 54/21
Napoleon's column 54/26
Napoleon's column 54/62
Napoleon's column 54/69
National Schools 60/13
National Schools 58/24
Naughton, Captain 58/1
Naylor, Mr 55/52
Naylors 58/20
Needle Rock, lower 58/33
Needles 58/22
Needles 58/33
Needles 55/29
Needles 55/30
Needles 55/43
Needles lighthouse 58/26
Needles, new lighthouse 58/33
Needles, The 59/18
Nelson 54/37
Neptune, the 55/13
Neptune, the 55/14
Nethercote, Mr 55/66
nets 54/22
Nevills 56/32
New York 54/27
Newbold 54/20
Newbold 54/85
Newbold 56/2
Newbold 56/66
Newbold 60/1
Newbold 58/1
Newbold 58/13
Newbold 59/1
Newbold 55/2
Newbold 55/5
Newbold Comyn 59/49
Newcastle, (person) 58/21
Newchurch Road 59/31
Newdigate, Mr 60/77
Newdigate, Mrs, Mr 60/76
Newdigates 55/65
Newport 58/29
Newport 55/36
Newport 55/43
Newport Church 58/9
Newport Church 58/23
Newport Road 59/16
Newton 56/19
Newton Kyme 56/31
Niagara 56/12
Nice 60/64
Niton 55/41
Nolens Volens 54/75
Norcote, Colonel 58/15
Norfolk 60/2
Norfolk 60/67
Norfolk House 55/11
Normanton 56/66
Norris 55/13
Norris 55/16
North Aston 60/27
North Cliff 56/50
North Cliff 56/53
North Cliff, Scarborough 56/5
North Cliff, Scarborough 56/18
North Cliff, Scarborough 56/23
North sands 56/20
Northcott, Capt. & Sir Stafford 60/35
Northumberland (county) 55/14
Northwood 58/2
Northwood 55/25
Northwood Church 55/56
Norton Lodge 55/45
Nothe 60/27
Nothe 60/39
Nothe 60/41
Nothe 60/46
Nothe 60/51
Nothe 60/57
Nugent, Miss 54/36
nun 54/10
nuns 54/7
nuns 54/53
Oates, Mr 56/58
Odd Fellowes 60/29
Officers 59/7
Officers 59/10
Officers, Fred's Regiment 59/2
Old Castle Buoy 55/62
old pair 59/44
old ruin 60/20
Oldfield, Miss 59/48
Oliver, Miss 55/26
Oliver, Mr 56/31
Oliver's Mount 56/22
Oliver's Mount 56/26
Oliver's Mount 56/51
Oliver's Mount 56/62
Oliver's Mount 56/64
omelettes 54/64
omnibus 60/31
omnibus 60/32
omnibus 60/33
opera glasses 60/8
Opera, German 54/76
Opporto, Duke of 54/78
orchestra 54/19
Organ 60/8
organ 60/12
organ 60/26
organ 60/32
organ 60/46
organ 60/63
organ 60/71
organ 60/72
organ 60/78
organ 58/16
organ lesson 60/16
organ lesson 60/30
organ lesson 60/37
organ lesson 60/53
organ lesson 60/56
organ, poor 60/69
Osborne 58/6
Osborne 58/11
Osborne 58/17
Osborne 58/19
Osborne 58/22
Osborne 58/24
Osborne 58/27
Osborne 59/8
Osborne 59/10
Osborne 59/15
Osborne 55/11
Osborne 55/13
Osborne 55/16
Osborne 55/17
Osborne 55/51
Osborne 55/54
Osborne 55/55
Osborne farm 55/56
Osborne, & wife & small boy 54/76
Osborne, sister 54/76
Osmington 60/29
Osmington church 60/29
Osmington mills 60/29
Ostend 54/79
Outreau 54/19
Outreau 54/32
Outreau 54/34
Oxford 60/65
Oxford 60/71
Oxford 60/79
Oxford 55/34
Oxford 55/64
oysters 56/54
Packe, Mrs 60/76
Packes, the 60/77
packet, the London 54/13
Packington 60/35
Packington, Lady 55/65
Pag, Mr 54/38
Paken, Captain RN 54/72
Palliot, Mr 55/51
Palliot, Mr 55/59
Palliot, Mr E 55/65
panorama 59/34
paper knives 56/58
papered and varnished 60/66
Parade, the 58/12
Paris 54/23
Paris 54/25
Paris 54/28
Paris 54/34
Paris 54/59
Paris 56/70
Paris 60/35
Paris 60/78
Paris 59/48
Paris 55/54
Paris 60/41
Parish Church 56/22
Parish Church 56/53
Parish Church 56/62
Parish Church 56/66
Parish Church 56/69
Parish Church 60/13
Parish Church St Mary's Scarborough 56/9
Parker, Lady Charles 60/75
Parker, Mrs 60/74
Parkhurst 58/34
Parkhurst 55/24
Parkhurst 55/51
Parkhurst barracks 55/36
Parkhurst prison 55/36
Parks 58/36
Parks, Colonel and Mrs 59/46
Parliamentary train 56/2
parsonagePhillips, Sir George 60/29
partridge shoot 58/36
partridge, shooting 60/41
partridges 56/56
patient 60/13
Pâtisserie 54/21
Pavilion (at Melrose) 56/57
Pavilion at Folkestone 54/81
Pavilion Hotel 54/24
Pavilion Hotel (Folkestone) 54/2
Pay, Mr 54/4
paying bills 60/72
paymaster 58/32
Peak, Colonel 60/10
Pearl, the 58/1
Pearl, the 58/31
Pearl, the 58/35
Pearl, the 55/63
Pennington 59/14
Pennington House 59/18
Pennington, Admiral 55/33
Pennsylvania 60/20
Percy, Miss 55/2
Percy, Miss 55/5
Percy, Mr 60/80
Percys, the 56/69
Perry's, Erskine two Miss 59/47
petals Arbres 54/67
Petres 58/23
petrified wood and water 60/20
pew 59/8
Pews at Church 54/5
Pf Leuchleaby 59/38
phaeton 60/5
phaeton 60/58
phaeton 59/42
Phillimore 55/63
Phillimore, Mrs George & two girls 60/80
Phipps 55/56
Phipps, Colonel 55/54
Phipps, Lady 58/12
Phipps, Lady 58/22
Phipps, Lady 58/27
photograph 58/20
photographs 60/72
photos (likenesses) 54/57
piano (feeling quiet) 59/39
Pianoforte 54/5
pianoforte 56/3
pianoforte 56/38
pianoforte 60/3
pianoforte 58/2
pianoforte 58/13
pianoforte 59/32
pianoforte 55/52
pic nic 60/20
Pic Nic Inn 60/29
Piccolomine, performer 56/34
Pickering 56/44
picnicking 56/47
pier 60/57
pier 60/54
Pier, the 56/19
Pier, the 56/20
Pier, the 56/22
Pier, the 56/57
Pier, Weymouth 60/3
Pier, Weymouth 60/7
Pier, Weymouth 60/8
Pier, Weymouth 60/12
Pier, Weymouth 60/22
Pier, Weymouth 60/26
Pier, Weymouth 60/27
Pier, Weymouth 60/42
Pier, Weymouth 60/45
Pier, Whitby 56/45
Pier, Whitby 56/47
Pigott, Mr & Mrs 58/32
pilot boats 59/25
pin cushions 56/58
Pip, The 59/7
Pip, The 59/9
Pip, The 59/10
Pip, The 59/14
Pip, The 59/16
Pip, The 59/16
Pip, the (boat) 59/26
Piper, The 59/4
pits 59/20
Pix, Mr 56/53
Place d'Allon 54/71
Place d'Alton 54/32
Place Navarin 54/29
Plantation, the 56/26
Plantation, the 56/28
plantation, the 56/42
play 54/38
Play, the 56/19
Play, the 56/20
Play, the 56/23
Play, the 56/26
Play, the 56/42
Play, the 56/44
play, the 54/74
plays 54/69
pleurisy 60/9
Plumpton 56/34
Plymouth 56/52
Plymouth 55/55
polished specimen 54/21
Polygon, the 59/35
ponies 54/16
ponies 54/60
Pont de Brique 54/39
pony 54/56
pony and carriage 59/16
pony carriage 54/65
pony carriage 54/85
Pony carriage 56/12
Pony carriage 56/18
pony carriage 60/70
pony carriage 58/27
pony carriage 58/31
pony carriage 59/5
pony carriage 59/6
pony carriage 59/16
pony carriage 59/24
Pony fly 56/10
pony, stubborn 56/58
poor people 60/66
poor people 60/72
Pope 54/43
poppies 54/12
population doubled 56/58
port 54/24
port 54/40
Portel 54/47
Portel 54/48
Portel road 54/41
Portisham 60/58
Portland 60/4
Portland 60/5
Portland 60/8
Portland 60/18
Portland 60/27
Portland 60/28
Portland 60/37
Portland 60/39
Portland 60/46
Portland 60/59
Portland 59/33
Portland Bill 60/53
Portland Bill 60/62
Portland House 59/1
Portland Island 60/29
Portland Roads 60/10
Portland Terrace 59/38
Portsmouth 58/12
Portsmouth 58/16
Portsmouth 58/19
Portsmouth 58/20
Portsmouth 58/25
Portsmouth 58/32
Portsmouth 59/1
Portsmouth 59/10
Portsmouth 59/11
Portsmouth 59/13
Portsmouth 59/17
Portsmouth 59/25
Portsmouth 59/28
Portsmouth 59/30
Portsmouth 59/31
Portsmouth 59/36
Portsmouth 59/37
Portsmouth 59/38
Portsmouth 59/44
Portsmouth 55/15
Portsmouth 55/27
Portsmouth 55/29
Portsmouth 55/33
Portsmouth harbour 59/16
Portugal, King of 54/78
pottage 54/13
Power, Mrs 54/41
PPC 58/34
PPC 55/59
Pratt, Colonel 58/35
Pratt, Colonel and Mrs 59/49
Pratt, Colonel and Mrs, death of 60/1
Pratt, Mrs - afflicted & sister 60/67
Pratt, Mrs - afflicted & sister 60/71
Pratt, Mrs - afflicted & sister 60/74
Pratts 55/65
Pratts 55/66
Pratts, Colonel 55/65
prawn letter 60/22
prawns 60/29
prayers 54/46
prayers 59/41
preacher 54/28
Préfet’s house 54/54
prescriptions 60/10
Preston 60/12
Preston 60/28
Preston 60/57
Preston Church 60/29
Preston Church 60/28
preventive station 60/4
Priest 59/7
Priestone, Sir William MP 60/30
priests 54/43
priests 54/53
priests 54/54
primitive style 60/59
Prince Albert 54/79
Prince Albert 54/83
Prince Albert (boat) 59/10
Prince Albert's birthday 59/14
Prince Albert's Cup 55/47
Prince Albert's horses 54/75
Prince Consort's Cup 58/20
prison 60/20
prisoners (ducks) 60/61
Prisoners base 55/52
Privy Council 55/17
procession 54/56
procession 60/29
procession 60/41
pulpit 54/10
Purdon, Mr 58/21
purse 59/34
Put not your trust in Princes (quote) 54/77
Pyrenees 54/22
Pyrenees 56/52
Quarr 59/33
Quarr Abbey 59/5
Quarr Abbey 59/9
Quarr Abbey 59/16
quarries 60/20
Quartermaster 55/19
quay 60/26
Quay, the 58/28
Queen Hotel 56/32
Queen of England 54/44
Queen of the South steamer 55/15
Queen, the 58/9
Queen, the 58/20
Queen, the 58/21
Queen, the 58/22
Queen, the 58/23
Queen, the 58/23
Queen, the 58/24
Queen, the 58/24
Queen, the 58/25
Queen, the 59/10
Queen, the 59/15
Queen, the 55/13
Queen, the 55/27
Queen, the 55/29
Queen, the 55/4
Queen, the 55/48
Queen, the 55/49
Queen, the 55/51
Queen, the 55/55
Queen, the 55/15
Queen, the & Prince 58/16
Queen, The (boat) 59/35
Queen, the (swans) 60/61
Queen's Cup 58/21
Queensbury, old Lady 60/73
race of Portland 60/53
races, the 54/56
races, Weymouth 60/51
Radcliff, Mr 60/54
Radcliff, Mr 60/56
Radcliffes, Admiral 55/52
Radipole Church 60/12
Radipole Church 60/30
rail to Wareham 60/43
railway 54/23
railway 54/39
railway 56/30
railway 56/44
railway 56/54
railway coach 56/30
railway station 54/18
railway station 54/55
railway station 54/79
railway station 54/83
rainbow 56/57
ramparts 54/24
ramparts 54/5
ramparts 54/42
ramparts 54/54
ramparts 54/65
Ramsay, Lady Louisa 54/5
Ramsay, Lady Louisa 54/47
Ramsay, Lady Louisa 54/52
Ramsay, Lady Louisa & 7 children 54/21
Ramsay, Lady Louisa & child Annie 9th birthday 54/11
Ramsay, Lady Louisa & children 54/7
Ramsay, Lady Louisa & daughter 54/65
Ramsay, Mr 54/2
Ramsay, Mr 54/37
Ramsay, Mr 54/41
Ramsay, Mr 54/77
Ramsay, Mr 54/85
Ramsay, Mr to marry Emily Townsend 60/81
Ramsay, Mr W 54/69
Ramsays 54/54
Ramsays 54/56
Ramsays 54/63
Ramsays, Julia 54/85
Ramsays, little 54/40
Ramsays, little 54/75
Ramsays, little (7 drs, 1 son) 54/65
Ramsays, the little 54/27
Ramsden, Mr 60/42
Ramseys 59/48
Randolph, Miss 56/69
Ravenscofts, Walpole 54/47
Ravenscroft, Mrs Walpole & 4 children 54/24
Ravenscroft, Walpole 54/14
Ravenscroft, Walpole 54/22
Ravenscroft, Walpole 54/64
Ravenscroft, Walpole and wife 54/58
Ravenscroft, Walpole and wife and child 54/16
Ravenscrofts 54/34
Ravenscrofts 54/37
Ravenscrofts 54/40
Ravenscrofts 54/56
Ravenscrofts 54/77
Ravenscroft's 54/18
Ravenscroft's carriage 54/79
Ravenscrofts, the little 54/27
Reader, Captain and Mrs 56/69
Reading 54/2
Reading 54/85
reading 60/74
Reading 60/79
Reading 58/35
Reading 59/1
Reading 59/44
Reading 59/48
Reading 55/2
Reading 55/63
Reading, Mr & Mrs Parker 60/76
reads 60/59
real sorrowtrials 60/51
rector of Coton 60/77
rector, the 56/9
red herrings 56/51
refreshments 54/19
regatta 60/7
regatta 59/25
Regatta 55/49
Regatta, Ryde 58/27
regiment 54/32
regiment 59/37
Reginald 55/10
Reginald 55/26
Reichardt, Herr 54/76
Reigate 54/2
Reigate 54/83
Reine Des Belges steamer 54/3
Renown, the 58/20
reservoir 54/28
Resolution, the 55/19
restauranteur 54/67
Review 54/75
review 59/11
review, the 59/38
Revolution 1845 54/10
rheumatic 56/27
rheumatic 56/28
rheumatic fever 59/1
rheumatism 60/3
rheumatismBoradway 60/36
Richards, Mrs 58/29
Ricketts, Mrs 56/69
Riddell, Lady 60/74
Riddell, Mr 56/69
Riddells, the 60/71
Rifle Brigade 59/3
Rifle Brigade 59/6
Rifle Brigade 59/12
Rifle brigade 59/27
Rifle Brigade 59/32
Rifle Brigade 55/16
Rifle Brigade band 59/10
Rifleman 58/1
Rifles 58/16
rig 59/16
Rillington 56/44
Rillington 56/48
Ripon, the 55/11
Ripon, the 55/14
Ripon, the 55/16
Rippon, the 55/21
Rippon, the (steamer) 59/36
Robbins 55/51
Robbins, General 60/35
Robins 55/49
Robins 55/51
Robins, General 58/21
Rogers, Mr musician 56/63
Roman amphitheatre 60/33
Roman Catholic Chapel, Lulworth 60/49
Roman Catholic Church 54/10
Roman encampment 60/32
Rooke, Mr 60/3
Rooke, Mr 60/8
rope walks 54/64
Rose Cottage 58/7
Rosetta 58/1
Rosetta 58/5
Rosetta 58/11
Rosetta 58/13
Rosetta 55/13
Rosetta 55/14
Rosetta 55/17
Rosetta 55/34
Rosetta 55/35
Rosetta 55/48
Rosetta 55/56
Rosina 54/74
roundabout 54/26
roundabouts 54/19
roundabouts 54/31
Rounders 55/52
route de Paris 54/39
Rowley, Captain 54/60
Roxby, actor 56/20
Royal (Hotel) 60/57
Royal Albert, the 58/20
Royal children 55/17
Royal family 59/8
Royal Hotel 56/44
Royal Hotel 56/45
Royal Hotel 60/4
Royal Hotel, Scarborough 56/5
Royal Hotel, Ventnor 55/37
Royal Yacht 58/7
Royal Yacht 58/8
Royal Yacht 58/8
Royal Yacht 58/23
Royal Yacht 55/51
Royal Yacht 55/7
Royal Yacht Squadron cup 55/49
rubber (of bridge) 60/73
rue de la Tour d'Ordre 54/69
rue de la Tour d'Ordre 54/29
rue de l'Hopital 54/63
rue de Mascon 54/32
rue de Peneland 54/32
rue de Petersbourg 54/32
rue des Papots 54/57
rue des Papots 54/69
Rue des Profits 54/56
rue des Villierds 54/9
Rue du pol d'Etain 54/4
rue du Temple 54/17
rue Neuve Chausser 54/22
rue Neuve Chausser 54/73
Rue Royale 54/5
rue Sallequin 54/53
rue Siblequen 54/27
Rugby 56/2
Rugby 56/66
Rugby 56/68
Rule Britannia 54/12
Rule Britannia 60/53
Russell - see Bailey, Mrs J 56/7
Russell, Dr., homeopathic 56/68
Russell, Edward (Mrs Denman's brother) 58/23
Russell, Lady 59/47
Russell, Sir Charles & bro.George, Priscilla, Mary, Miss 59/47
Russian 59/32
Russian Doctor 59/23
Russian frigate 59/7
Russian Frigate 59/26
Russian prisoners 54/74
Russian prisoners 54/81
Russian sailors 59/5
Russian ship 59/27
Russian ships 59/15
Russian ships 59/17
Russian vessels 59/10
Russians 59/9
Russians 59/10
Russians 59/24
Russians 59/34
Rutherford, Mr 56/23
Rutherford, Mr 56/25
Rutland, Duke of 58/17
Rutland, Duke of 58/21
Rutland, Duke of 55/19
Ryde 60/2
Ryde 60/64
Ryde 59/23
Ryde 59/43
Ryde 59/46
Ryde 59/49
Continued below
Website: Click Here
To return to the main INDEX page click Website above
Ryde Pier 59/2
Ryde Pier 59/3
Ryde Pier 59/3
Ryde Pier 59/3
Ryde Pier 59/4
Ryde Pier 59/5
Ryde Pier 59/5
Ryde Pier 59/6
Ryde Pier 59/6
Ryde Pier 59/7
Ryde Pier 59/8
Ryde Pier 59/9
Ryde Pier 59/9
Ryde Pier 59/16
Ryde Pier 59/16
Ryde Pier 59/17
Ryde Pier 59/18
Ryde Pier 59/23
Ryde Pier 59/24
Ryde Pier 59/25
Ryde Pier 59/26
Ryde Pier 59/27
Ryde Pier 59/27
Ryde Pier 59/29
Ryde Pier 59/30
Ryde Pier 59/34
Ryde Pier 59/37
Ryde Pier 59/38
Ryde Pier 59/39
Ryde Pier 59/41
Ryde Pier 59/44
Ryde Poultry Show 55/34
Ryde town 59/5
S E station 59/48
sacrament 60/74
Sacristan 54/11
sail 60/14
sailing 60/37
sailors 58/19
Saints 54/51
Saints 54/62
sale 54/29
sale 54/30
Saloon 56/63
salt drying pans 59/20
salterns 59/20
Sambo, the dog 55/11
Sandgate 54/3
Sandgate 54/8
Sandgate 54/83
Sandhurst 55/24
Sandhurst 55/3
Sandhurst 55/54
Sandown 59/24
sands 54/63
sands 54/64
sands 54/73
Sandsfoot 60/22
Sandsfoot 60/39
Sandsfoot 60/56
Sandsfoot Castle 60/16
Sandsfoot Castle 60/22
sandwiches 60/20
Sandys (person) 58/36
Saunders Mr 55/24
Saunders, Lady Virginia 58/27
Sauvage, Mlle 54/36
Saviour, our 54/51
Savoy 54/24
scacrament 59/27
Scalby Mill 56/18
Scalby Mill 56/26
Scalby Mill 56/42
Scalby Mill 56/42
Scarboro' 56/48
Scarborough 56/66
Scarlet, Sir James 59/10
Scarlet, Sir James 59/11
school 60/54
school 59/45
school 59/47
school fête 60/51
schools 60/42
schools 60/71
schooners 58/17
schooners 58/21
schooners 17 58/22
Schwalbach & Steel 55/56
Sconce Point 55/29
Sconce Point fort 55/45
Scorby Mill 56/54
Scotch 54/28
Scotch trip 56/23
Scotland 56/28
Scotland 56/50
Scotland 56/54
Scotland 56/58
Scotland 60/70
Scotland 59/17
Scotland 55/17
Scotland 55/59
Scott, Admiral 56/58
Scott, Dr 54/39
Scott, Dr 54/59
Scott, Lord Walter and Lady 58/31
Scott, Mrs 60/69
Scott, Mrs Fenton 56/30
Scovell, Sir George 55/3
Scovell, Sir George 55/4
Scratchell's Bay 55/29
Scutari 55/65
sea fog 60/54
Sea View 55/56
sea wall 59/37
seagull, not shot 60/37
Seamer 56/10
seasick 60/26
Seaview 59/6
Sedletyck, Madamoiselle 54/76
sermon 54/28
sermon 54/37
sermon 56/28
sermon 60/13
sermon 60/28
sermon 58/11
sermon 58/17
sermon 55/53
sermon 54/29
sermon, charity 56/53
sermons 58/28
sermons 58/32
servants 59/1
servants 55/43
service (church) 59/8
severe illness 56/68
severe tea 56/14
severe tea 56/48
Shaddock, Mr 55/53
Shalford 55/15
Shalford House 59/41
Shanklin 58/14
Shanklin 59/24
Shark, the 58/21
Shark, the 55/47
sheep 54/61
Sheldon, Mrs E 60/75
shepherd 54/61
Sherer, Mr and Mrs 60/74
sherry 60/44
Shinfield 59/45
Shirley, Mr & Mrs Charles 55/23
shoals of herrings 56/22
shoals of herrings 56/23
shooting 60/40
shooting 60/76
shooting 59/48
shooting partridge 60/41
shopping 60/45
shot hare 60/73
Shrewsbury 55/15
Shrewsbury (person) 58/36
Shropshire 56/19
shrubberies 59/44
shrubbery 59/48
Shrublands 60/71
Shrub's hill 58/31
Sibthorpe, Mr (guardsman) 55/23
sick 56/50
silver ornaments 54/10
Simms, Miss Mary, actor 56/56
singing 60/46
singing 59/47
singing lessons 54/15
singing masters 54/27
Sip Inn 60/58
Sir George 59/9
Sirocco wind 54/21
Sisters of Charity 54/53
Skene, Zoe (Mrs William Thompson) 55/23
sketching 56/12
sketching 56/14
sketching 56/20
sketching 56/23
sketching 56/28
sketching 56/42
sketching 56/47
sketching 56/54
sketching 56/63
sketching 60/8
sketching 59/9
sketching 59/16
sketching 59/31
sketching 59/24
Skip, Julia 60/57
Skips 60/5
Skips 60/7
Skips 60/14
Skips 60/24
Skips, the 60/54
Skips, the 60/57
Skips, the Miss 60/28
Skipwith J 60/57
Skipwith, Colonel 60/73
Skipwith, Colonel 58/35
Skipwith, Julia 56/53
Skipwith, Julia 60/12
Skipwith, Julia 60/69
Skipwith, Julia 60/78
Skipwith, Julia 55/14
Skipwith, Lizzie 60/5
Skipwith, Miss 55/23
Skipwith, Miss 55/33
Skipwith, Miss 55/39
Skipwith, Mr 55/54
Skipwith, Sir Thomas 55/4
Skipwith. Mr 55/6
Skipwiths 60/1
Skipwiths 60/3
Skipwiths 60/4
Skipwiths 60/7
Skipwiths 60/8
Skipwiths 60/22
Skipwiths 60/27
Skipwiths 60/30
Skipwiths 60/31
Skipwiths 60/37
Skipwiths 60/41
Skipwiths 60/42
Skipwiths 60/43
Skipwiths 60/45
Skipwiths 60/46
Skipwiths 60/51
Skipwiths 60/53
Skipwiths 60/54
Skipwiths 60/62
Skipwiths 60/67
Skipwiths 55/5
Skipwiths, 3 60/44
Skipwiths, Miss 60/56
Skipwiths, the Miss 60/26
Skipwiths, the Miss 60/36
Skipwiths, the Miss 60/68
Skipwiths, the Miss 60/71
Skipwiths, the Miss, Lizzie 60/66
Sleafords, the 56/50
sleepless night 60/66
sleepless night 60/46
sleepless nights 60/40
slops 60/10
slow train 56/66
Smethick 60/57
Smigd?, Mr 58/6
Smith Barry, Mrs 56/5
Smith Barry, Mrs 56/14
Smith Barry, Mrs 56/18
Smith, Dr. 60/8
Smith, Dr. 60/9
Smith, Dr. 60/12
Smith, Dr. 60/13
Smith, Dr. 60/24
Smith, Dr. 60/41
Smith, Dr. 60/44
Smith, Dr. 60/51
Smith, Dr. 60/64
Smith, Dr. 59/48
Smith, Dudley, to marry Emma Willes 60/68
Smith, Mr Dudley 60/24
Smith, Mr Dudley, and future wife 60/18
Smith, Mrs 59/4
Smiths 55/6
Smiths, the Felix 59/38
soldier 54/57
soldiers 54/6
soldiers 54/7
soldiers 54/12
soldiers 54/13
soldiers 54/18
soldiers 54/26
soldiers 54/33
soldiers 54/37
soldiers 54/49
soldiers 54/60
soldiers 54/73
soldiers 54/78
Solent 58/22
Solent, the 59/22
Solent, The (boat) 59/18
Somerville Aston 58/36
Somerville family 59/2
Somerville, Aubrey 56/52
Somerville, Aubrey 59/1
Somerville, Aubrey and Everard 56/69
Somerville, Aubrey and Everard 56/70
Somerville, Augustus 59/1
Somerville, Charlotte 60/63
Somerville, Charlotte 55/26
Somerville, Charlotte 55/35
Somerville, Everard and Aubrey 56/68
Somerville, Mrs 54/74
Somerville, Mrs 60/27
Somerville, Mrs 59/48
Somerville, Mrs 55/10
Somerville, Mrs & Aubrey 56/52
Somerville, Mrs & Everard 58/13
Somervilles 55/54
Somervilles, 6 60/44
son in law 60/46
Sonnambula, opera 56/71
Soucerain Moulin 54/60
soufflés 54/64
South Sea 55/15
South Sea 55/23
South Sea Common 59/11
South Wales 56/41
South Wales 60/12
Southampton 60/70
Southampton 60/71
Southampton 58/1
Southampton 58/6
Southampton 58/15
Southampton 58/16
Southampton 58/34
Southampton 58/35
Southampton 59/35
Southampton 55/19
Southampton 55/26
Southampton 55/35
Southampton 55/48
Southampton 55/56
Southampton 55/6
Southampton 55/63
Southampton regatta 55/34
Southdowns (sheep) 54/61
Southsea 59/11
Southsea 59/38
Spa, Scarborough 56/3
Spa, Scarborough 56/4
Spa, Scarborough 56/9
Spa, Scarborough 56/16
Spa, Scarborough 56/19
Spa, Scarborough 56/23
Spa, Scarborough 56/23
Spa, Scarborough 56/25
Spa, Scarborough 56/27
Spa, Scarborough 56/30
Spa, Scarborough 56/41
Spa, Scarborough 56/50
Spa, Scarborough 56/51
Spa, Scarborough 56/52
Spa, Scarborough 56/54
Spa, Scarborough 56/55
Spa, Scarborough 56/62
Spanish Oxen 55/11
Sparke, Mrs & daughter 55/65
spears 60/59
Spencers Road 58/10
Spencers Road 59/31
Sperto Gentil 54/76
Spider, the 55/27
spire 59/43
Spithead 58/20
Spithead 58/25
Spithead 59/6
Spithead 59/17
Spithead 55/13
Spithead 55/14
Spofforth 56/32
Spofforth Church 56/34
Spratt, Mr. Rector 56/35
Spring Vale 59/36
squall 60/14
Squire 60/37
St Albans head 60/4
St Alban's Head 60/49
St Catharine's Chapel 60/59
St Clair 58/10
St Clair 55/60
St Clare 59/28
St Clare 59/39
St Fort 56/50
St George, the 55/14
St George's Monastery 55/26
St Helens 59/42
St James's Church 59/34
St Johns 60/7
St Johns 60/28
St Johns 60/54
St Johns 60/64
St Johns (place) 59/28
St Johns Church 60/16
St Johns Church 60/27
St Johns Church 60/42
St Johns Church 60/54
St Johns Church 60/63
St Johns Church 59/5
St Johns Church 59/17
St John's Road 59/33
St Johns turnpike 59/24
St Lawrence Church 55/41
St Lawrence Well 55/41
St Luke 54/46
St Marys 60/30
St Marys 60/54
St Marys 60/57
St Mary's 56/28
St Mary's 56/71
St Marys Church 60/7
St Marys Church 60/8
St Marys Church 60/13
St Mary's Church 56/38
St Mary's Church 56/41
St Mary's Church 56/45
St Mary's Leamington 59/34
St Mary's Parish Church, Scarborough 56/9
St Marys street 60/26
St Marys street 60/31
St Nicholas Church 54/49
St Omer road 54/16
St Omer road 54/60
St Pauls of Boulogne 54/10
St Peter 54/58
St Peters Church 60/31
St Pierre 54/58
St Pierre Church 54/29
St Swithun 58/1
St Swithun 55/10
St Swithun 55/7
St Thomas Church 59/8
St Thomas Church 59/17
St Thomas street 60/7
St Thomas's (church) 59/27
St Thomas's Church 56/20
St Thomas's street 60/14
stables 54/64
Stacen, Jane 60/67
Starkey, Mr 59/8
Starkey, Mr 59/9
Starkey, Mr 59/13
station 56/7
station 56/31
station 56/32
station 56/41
station 56/42
station 59/44
station 59/49
Station, NW (Leamington) 55/65
steam engine 56/44
steamers 60/8
Steephill 55/39
Stephen (Cartwright?) 60/79
Stephen and child Augusta 60/79
Stephen? 55/35
Stephenson, Mr 60/7
Stephenson, Mr 60/64
Stephenson, Mr 60/65
Sternberg, Baroness 55/55
Steven (Stephen Cartwright) 54/38
Stevensons, the 60/54
Steward, Mary 56/19
Steward, Miss 54/87
Steward, Miss 56/71
Steward, Miss 55/34
Steward, Mr and Miss 56/68
Steward, Mr Sam 60/71
Steward, Mrs 60/73
Stirling, Georgy 59/38
Stirling, Lady 59/31
Stirling, Lady 59/40
Stirling, Miss 59/31
Stirling, Mrs 59/32
Stirling, Sir James 59/24
Stirling, Sir James and Lady 59/23
Stirling, Sir James and Lady 59/26
Stirling, Sir James and Lady 59/27
Stirlings 59/37
Stirlings, the 59/39
Stirlings, the 59/40
Stirlings, the & Georgie their dr. 59/41
Stirlings, the Miss 59/32
Stoke 55/15
stone for breakwater 60/5
Stoneleigh 60/66
Stoneleigh 60/70
Stoneleigh 55/34
Stoneleigh Grounds 60/1
Stoney Cross 58/31
Stoppard, Lord 59/29
Strand, Ryde 55/60
Strand, the 58/10
Strand, the 58/25
Strand, The 59/3
Stranger, play 56/56
Striling, Miss 59/34
Striling, Miss 59/39
Strogenoff, Count and Countess & children 59/38
Styvechale 58/26
Styvechele 60/68
suere de pomme 60/63
supper 59/39
surgeon 59/36
Svetland, frigate 59/7
Swallowfield 59/45
Swallowfield cricket match 59/47
swannery 60/59
Sweet, Mr 58/32
Swells 55/48
Swells, the 58/30
Swenna 59/33
Swift, Dean 55/53
Swindon 60/2
Swindon 60/65
Sympson, Harriet 60/64
Sympson, Miss 56/42
Sympson, Mrs 56/26
Tachbrook 60/74
Tadcaster 56/32
Tagus, the, a ship 60/70
Tagus, the, a ship 60/71
Tainor, Caroline 60/71
Talbot, Ned. 59/31
Tasmania, the (steamer) 59/36
Tavern like 54/25
te deum 54/49
tea 59/43
tea chest 54/30
teeth 60/68
Teignmouth 60/51
Teignmouth 60/54
Temperance staff 60/71
Tenby 56/56
tents 54/12
tents 54/32
tents 54/33
tents 54/72
terrace 59/45
The Abbott (reading material) 56/56
the boys 59/22
The Granby 56/34
The old Chateau, play 56/56
The Strand 59/24
The Strand 59/29
The Strand 59/33
The. Sir? 56/28
theatre 54/11
Theatre 56/56
Theophilus, Sir 60/70
Thomas, old 60/66
Thomas, Sir 60/53
Thompson, Mrs Louther 60/72
Thompson, Mrs William (Zoe Skane) 55/23
Thonbray, Mr 58/8
Thornbury Villa 59/23
Thornhill, young 55/56
Thornhills 55/52
Thorold, Miss 55/15
Thorold, Mr 58/11
Thorold, Mr 59/4
Thorold, Mr 55/52
Thorold, Mrs 58/12
Thorold, Mrs & Miss 55/25
Thorolds 58/5
Thorolds 58/27
Thorolds 58/29
Thorolds 58/30
Thorolds 58/33
Thorolds 58/34
Thorolds 55/11
Thorolds 55/15
Thorolds 55/24
Thorolds 55/32
Thorolds 55/33
Thorolds 55/34
Thorolds 55/36
Thorolds 55/47
Thorolds 55/52
Thorolds 55/56
Thorolds 55/59
Thorpe Arch 56/36
Thorpe Arch 56/37
Three Mile Cross 59/45
three shilling tickets 59/32
thunder storm 59/39
Thur (Switzerland) 60/64
Thursby, Lovell & Francis 55/35
tide height 1824 60/61
tinsel and trumpery 60/50
Tintelleries 54/24
Tintelleries 54/26
Tintelleries 54/27
Tintelleries 54/30
Tintelleries 54/38
Tintelleries 54/41
Tintelleries 54/49
Tintelleries 54/53
Tintelleries, canal des 54/67
toasted cheese 59/39
tongue 60/50
toothache 56/53
Torquay 54/18
Torquay 60/24
Torquay 60/54
Torquay 60/63
Torquay 60/69
tour, grand 60/42
Tower, Mr 60/76
Town Hall, Weymouth 60/63
Town Regatta 55/48
Townleys 55/65
Townsends 60/1
Townsends 58/36
Townsends, Emily, to marry Mr Ramsay 60/81
Townsends, the 60/64
Townsends, the 60/81
trachea attack 56/67
Trafalgar House 55/11
Trafalgar House 55/6
Trafalgar, the ship 59/33
train 56/32
train 56/34
train 60/57
train 60/65
train 59/18
trains 60/8
trains 59/33
trains 59/49
tram roads 60/5
Tredcrofts, the 60/81
trial of life 60/47
Trinidad 56/53
Trinity Church 54/5
Trinity Church 60/7
Trinity Church 60/13
Trinity Church 60/14
Trinity Church 60/27
Trinity Church 60/28
Trinity church 60/54
Trinity church 59/34
Trinity Church 59/41
Trinity Church Ryde 59/3
Trinity Church Ryde 59/8
Trinity Church Ryde 59/17
Trinity Church Ryde 59/27
Trinity, Leamington 55/64
Troubridge, Lady 59/5
Troubridge, Lady 59/42
Troubridge, Sir Thomas and Lady 59/23
Troubridge, Sir Thomas and Lady 59/27
Troubridge, Sir Thomas and Lady 59/29
trumpets 54/62
trunk 60/41
Tryon, Colonel & daughter & boy 58/12
Tryon, Colonel & Miss 58/35
Tryon, Colonel, Mrs and Miss 58/6
Tryon, Mrs 58/28
Tryons, Colonel 59/35
tumble (Lady Somerville falls) 56/62
turnpike 59/17
tutor 58/13
tutor 58/31
Twisleton, Mr 55/64
ugly church 60/47
Undercliffe 55/41
Underwood's Farm 55/13
uniform 59/38
Union Street 59/3
Union Street 55/60
Unjust Steward parable 54/43
Upway 60/36
Upway 60/41
Used Up - play 56/20
Vallais du Denaires 54/15
Valleé de Danaeres 54/63
Valleé de Danaeres 54/69
Vanddeur, Mr 59/34
Vandyck picture 59/46
Vansettart, Miss 60/74
Vansettart, Miss 60/72
Vansettart, Miss 60/78
Vassali's jet shop 56/16
veils 54/54
Ventnor 55/36
Ventnor 55/37
Ventnor 55/39
Verney boys 2 55/31
Verney children 55/32
Verneys 55/25
Verneys, little 55/48
Versailles 56/31
verses 59/34
Vertvore 54/39
vessel 59/15
vessels passing 56/64
Victoria and Albert 58/5
Victoria and Albert 58/8
Victoria and Albert 58/14
Victoria and Albert 58/16
Victoria and Albert 58/19
Victoria and Albert 58/21
Victoria and Albert 55/13
Victoria and Albert 55/32
Victoria and Albert (boat) 59/15
Victoria Medals 58/20
Victoria Pier 59/1
Victoria Pier 59/13
Victorian Rooms 59/30
Victory, the 55/14
Viellierds 54/29
village, Lulworth 60/50
Villebois 58/28
Villebois family 58/16
Villebois, Mr 58/21
Villebois, Mr 58/24
Villebois, Mrs 58/27
Villebois, the 58/24
Vine, the 55/55
Vine, the 55/16
Virgil, brother of Mrs Denman 58/22
Virgin 54/49
Virgin 54/52
Virgin 54/54
Virgin 54/57
Virgin 54/73
Virgin 54/53
Virgin (black) 54/10
Virgin, procession of 54/49
Virgin, the 54/11
Vivandieres 54/6
Vivid, the 58/21
voiture 54/15
Volunteer band 60/68
voyage 60/47
vulgar dialect 60/13
vulgar people 56/47
W, Lady 55/59
Wade, Mr incumbent 59/34
waggonette 59/44
waggonette 59/45
waggonette 59/47
wagon 60/45
wagonette 60/18
wagonette 60/43
wagonette 60/50
Wales, south 56/41
Walker, Mr 56/31
Walker, Mr 56/32
Walker, Mrs 56/32
Wallace, Lady 56/38
Wallace, Sir Maxwell 56/32
Wallace, Sir Maxwell & Lady 56/37
Waller 55/6
walls, of York 56/38
Warburton, Alice 59/36
Ward Miss 55/23
Ward Misses 55/24
Ward Misses 55/25
Ward Mr (grounds) 55/15
Ward, Edward 56/68
Ward, Edward 56/70
Ward, Edward 58/36
Ward, Miss 58/10
Ward, Miss 58/14
Ward, Miss 58/23
Ward, Miss 58/29
Ward, Miss 55/11
Ward, Miss 55/32
Ward, Misses 55/22
Ward, Mr 55/17
Ward, Mr & Misses 58/2
Ward, Mr (his garden) 58/7
Ward, Mr (his garden) 58/20
Ward, Mr (his grounds) 55/53
Ward, Mrs James 59/17
Ward, Mrs James 55/24
Ward, Mrs Jas. & daughter 58/23
Wards 58/30
Wards, Miss 55/54
Wards, Miss 55/59
Wards, Miss 55/62
Wards, Miss (ladies) 58/33
Wards, Miss (their grounds) 58/34
Wards, Misses 55/6
Wards, Mr 55/13
Wareham 60/43
Wareham 60/45
Wareham 60/54
Wareham 60/56
Wareham road 60/28
Warwick 60/68
Warwick 60/68
Warwick jail 56/67
Warwick jail 56/70
Warwickshire (county) 55/14
Warwickshire (county) 55/23
Warwickshire Militia 55/3
Warwickshire Militia 55/4
Waspington, Mr (curate) 60/7
water sold 60/36
waters, horrible 56/34
Watts, old Miss 60/75
wedding (anniversary) 56/31
wedding anniversary 27th 60/43
wedding cards 60/10
wedding cards 59/40
Weekes, Mr 56/70
Weekes, Twisleton 60/80
weeping sisters 59/44
weighing 60/33
Weld, Mr 60/49
Weld, Mrs & daughter & Mrs Joseph 58/13
well 54/73
Wellesbourne 55/5
Wellesbourne 55/64
Wellesbourne 55/66
Welsh Hills 54/18
Wemys, Isabel 58/5
Wemyss (boy) 59/20
Wemyss, Charles (Lady Is. son) 58/9
Wemyss, Isabel 58/5
Wemyss, Isabel 58/8
Wemyss, Isabel 58/11
Wemyss, Lady Isabella & daughter 58/2
Wemyss's 58/17
Wemyss's & Isabel 58/25
Wequelin, Iona marries Capt. Northcote 60/35
Wequelin, Mrs & dr. Iona 60/35
West Cliff 56/45
West Indian steamers 55/11
West Street, Ryde 55/22
West, Mrs 58/12
West, Mrs 58/17
West, Mrs & daughters 58/7
West, Mrs & Miss 58/13
West, Mrs Frederick & daughter 58/5
Wests 58/20
Wests 58/22
Westward, the 55/43
Wetherby 56/32
Wetherby 56/36
Wey, river 60/36
Weymouth 56/41
Weymouth 60/69
Weymouth 59/33
Weymouth races 60/51
Weymouth races 60/65
Whateleys 58/33
Whateleys, Mr 58/36
Wheel of Fortune, Ryde 55/60
Wheelers 60/1
Wheelers, the Miss 60/71
wherries 59/25
Whippingham 55/31
Whippingham 55/48
Whippingham Church 58/24
whist 60/8
whist 60/14
whist 60/27
whist 60/30
whist 60/40
whist 60/42
whist 60/77
Whitby 56/44
Whitby 56/45
Whitby 56/47
Whitby 56/50
Whitby road 56/18
White horse 60/12
White Horse 60/28
White horse 60/42
White, Mr (his school) 58/2
Whiteleys, Mr 55/64
Whiteside, Dr 56/53
Whiteside, Mr 56/9
whiting 60/30
Whitley 55/45
Wigsall, Captain 58/15
Wilbrahem, Lady Anne 55/17
Wildfire, the 55/49
Wilkinson, Mrs & son Bathurst 56/37
Wilkinsons 56/32
Willes, Emma to be Mrs Dudley Smith 60/18
Willes, Emma, to be married 60/35
Willes, Emma, to marry Dudley Smith 60/68
Willes, Mary 55/24
Willes, Mary 55/31
Willes, Mrs & daughter 59/45
Willesbourne 60/70
Willesbourne 60/75
William 56/67
William 56/69
William & Charlotte & 3 boys (at Barford) 54/87
Williams Misses 55/66
Williams, Captain 55/7
Williams, Captain Hamlyn 55/7
Williams, Mr 55/36
Williams, Mr his monuments 60/32
Williams, Mrs Hugh 56/71
Willoughby, Lady 59/49
Willoughby, Lady 55/22
Willoughby, Lady 55/48
Willoughby, Lady 55/64
Willoughby, Lord 55/34
Willoughby, Lord and Lady 55/54
Willoughbys 55/47
Willoughbys 55/65
Willow, Lord 58/17
Willow, Lord 58/21
Wilson, Mr 58/23
Wilton, Lord 55/51
Wilton, Lord 55/59
Wimereaux Camp 54/8
Wimereux 54/32
Wimereux 54/34
Wimereux 54/72
Wimereux river 54/61
Wimille 54/56
Wimille 54/62
Wimille 54/72
Winchester 58/1
Winchester 58/11
Winchester 58/13
Winchester 58/15
Winchester 58/21
Winchester 58/22
Winchester 58/27
Winchester 58/34
Winchester 58/35
Winchester 59/44
Winchester 55/63
Wind Mill 55/36
Wind Mill 55/54
Windham, Colonel 56/35
Windham, General 56/10
Windham, Mrs 56/20
Windham, Mrs 59/14
Windham, Mrs 55/65
winding engine 56/44
winding engine 56/48
windmill 59/20
windmills 54/41
Windsor, Mr 59/32
wine 60/44
wine (Medoc) 54/61
Wine Merchant 54/5
Wing, Major & Mrs 58/23
Wise, Harold 55/6
Wise, Mrs Charles 60/67
Wllloughby, Lady 55/17
Wllloughby, Lady & Lord 55/21
Wolf, Dr 56/71
Woman in White (literary work) 60/74
Wombwells Managerie 60/16
Woodall, Mr 56/41
Wooton Creek 59/9
workshop 59/24
workwoman 54/56
Worsley family 55/36
Wroxley, Rector of 55/53
Wroxton Terrace 59/35
Wyke 60/5
Wyke 60/56
Wyke 60/62
Wyke Church 60/13
Wyke Church 60/14
Wyndham, Colonel 60/73
Wyndham, Colonel 60/80
Wyndhams, the 60/70
yacht, English 54/8
yacht, English 54/14
yachts 60/7
Yarborough Villa 58/10
Yarborough, Lord 55/36
Yarborough, Lord 55/41
Yarmouth 58/29
Yarmouth 59/18
Yarmouth 55/23
Yarmouth 55/43
Yarmouth Church 55/43
Yarmouth Ferry 55/43
Yeovil 60/62
York 56/2
York 56/30
York 56/38
York 56/41
York 56/66
York Hotel 59/6
Yorke, Mr & Mrs, son & two daughters 60/76
Yorke, Mr & Mrs, son & two daughters 60/77
Yorkes, the 60/77
Yorkes, the 60/78
Yorkshire 60/35
Young, Lady Alicia & baby 59/36
Young, Lady Alicia & son 59/11
Young, Mr 59/11
Younge, Lady Alisia & son 59/6
Younge, Mr 59/6